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Comped Winner Exposed!

about 7 years

OK, now that I got your attention, Sandbox dictator AKA dooze, holds a personal grugde against the emoji :thinking: , keeping several worthless emotes such as :yum: (could not find a picture but it's a cartoon panda eating pasta with chopsticks)

Because of that, multiple riots are starting in Sandbox threads, with people asking for :thinking: to come back, and numerous "suiraces" are occurring in all types of games.

I, a simple Sa(n)dbox dweller, ask for the help of you main lobby users, to bring back the best emote ever, the one that gave our pathetic lives a little meaning.

about 6 years
i just wanna say that i tried to do this but either i don't have the power or i did i wrong i'm sorry sandbox :((((
deletedabout 6 years

JM123 says

Volta says

Giga says

Volta says

JM123 says

JM123 says

let's bump this at the end of every round until :thinking: is back.

about 6 years

Volta says

Giga says

Volta says

JM123 says

JM123 says

let's bump this at the end of every round until :thinking: is back.

over 6 years

Giga says

Volta says

JM123 says

JM123 says

let's bump this at the end of every round until :thinking: is back.

over 6 years

Volta says

JM123 says

JM123 says

let's bump this at the end of every round until :thinking: is back.

over 6 years

JM123 says

JM123 says

let's bump this at the end of every round until :thinking: is back.

over 6 years

JM123 says

let's bump this at the end of every round until :thinking: is back.

over 6 years
I had thinking as a custom emote. It's actually rather useful.
over 6 years
i am an advocate of :thinking:
over 6 years
finest clickbaits
over 6 years
let's bump this at the end of every round until :thinking: is back.
almost 7 years
uhhh im not in the mood of writing something lenghty and cool but it's 2018 and :thinking: is yet to return, so uhhhhh delete dooze and add :thinking: thanks
almost 7 years
booze is doing a good job
almost 7 years

JM123 says

king of sandbox here. ill take care of this sh1t


almost 7 years

JM123 says

king of sandbox here. ill take care of this sh1t

almost 7 years
king of sandbox here. ill take care of this sh1t
almost 7 years
why not make both thinking and thonk?
almost 7 years
2 months later, guess what happened.
Yes EM Sandbox dictator dooze has once again removed :thinking: from our lives. This time, she even made things worse: Added a mocking version of :thinking: called :thonk:

Is dooze mocking us? Is dooze implying our :thinking: is deficient just like this emote appears to be?

EM Sandbox dictator dooze is crossing the limits and it's starting to call us Sandboxers dumb. dooze thought we would forget all the harms done against us with the extinction of :thinking:, but we do not forget, and we certainly do not forgive.

This is a call to the abashment of dooze, we, people of Sa(n)dbox will keep this fight on till we get things our way!
about 7 years

dooze says

how important does this make you feel
about 7 years
about 7 years
Greetings, it's your comrade Volta passing by here again to give you the news about our great movement.

To start it has been 10 days since I created this complaint. 21 people signed the petition. How many of those became able to use :thinking:? None.

Every two weeks EM Sandbox owner dooze vows to change the least liked emote and to replace it with one of two options. Look at this week emotes:

Ah yes, the glorious :snake: and :pepe: emoji. But where is :thinking:? No where to be seen, as EM Sandbox dictator doesn't want us to think.

Not :thinking: = Ignorant people = Fascist Sandbox

On another note, I, a simple Sa(n)dbox dweller, posted on our beloved lobby wall a liberation message, inciting the overthrow of EM Sandbox dictator dooze, and this is what happened:

As you can see, instead of lurking or deleting this inspiring errand. EM Sandbox dictator dooze preferred to +1 the post, showing how amusing she finds our revolution, knowing we can't do anything without the help of superior force, help of the man, the legend, the Lucid one.

We need more signature for our cause, we need to get noticed, we need to make :thinking: great again.
about 7 years
We simply can NOT accept looking inferior to games lobby.
about 7 years
It came to my knowing, that the Game Lobby has the emote :thinking:
What we should ask ourselves is if Sandbox is inferior to Games Lobby. Sandbox dictator dooze makes it look like so!
about 7 years
Wowah, I'm a 100% sandbox user now, I want this emote!

Bring Back :thinking: !!!
about 7 years

Recidivism says

I would like dooze to know that I killed Epicmafia admin Vancyon with my bare internet-hands, and I'm coming for him if he doesn't let our damsel go.

I appreciate your actions EM User Recidivism, but we shall get our emotes by peaceful protest, we don't want violence.