it looks like hipfire got legalized!
you can literally do it anytime and however you want to do it.
you just get a note at worst case scenario.
why? here's the precedent:
top kek it's blister dude if anyone knows stuff about getting vios and getting banned that's him.
besides, he admited he did out of grudge, not only he should have received a vio but also it should've been a GT vio instead of trolling, just like me and patryk talked about somewhere in this thread
mods are sh!t and corrupt, don't pretend anything else
Wrath shot imediately day start, wrath then imediately d2 voted and never unvoted for even 1 second. This was a troll game with a troll player and needs to be redunded.
Even if Whitepimp dislikes me, he should show it only in the forums or pm. Not through Reports.
Reports should be unbiased zone where there are no preferences.
he found a way to delete his account a while back with multiple vios, he's been put on leashes but I guess as long as he makes new accounts mods will forget after a short amount of time
bumping because Ill be damned if I dont keep a post displaying that multiple mods are okay with no vio'ing textbook hipfiring for seemingly no reason other than having a grudge against the person being hipfired, for at least a month.