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How to Share a Video to Epicmafia

almost 8 years

With people wanting to know how to upload images, many people wish to know how to upload videos as well. Please note that you should post videos sparingly, as they take up a lot of space for those with not so great methods of accessing Epicmafia.

How to upload videos to forum comments, lobby wall comments and profile comments:

First off, the most important thing to realize is that only Youtube is currently supported. Still images and gifs can be shown by following the guide on how to upload images to Epicmafia. Currently .gifv, .webm, and .mp4 are not supported, but do have some access by using classic emjack.

The next step is to find the Youtube video that you'd like to share. In this example, we'll just use a video titled Friendly Baby Fox! by Brave Wilderness.

As you can see, I am in the video and have the link at the top. The link name is , but how do we convert that into a video on its own?

Take a look at the highlighted portion up on the link here:

As you can see the section after where watch?v= is should be where you want to copy from. In this case, the section of the url we want to copy is rJ6Tnn183Os.

Now with an image being [img]link[/img] , what could a video link be?

The key to sharing a youtube video is by using:


Using the link we have, we will now put it into practice as seen here:

With that, the end result should be something like this:

With that, your video should be shown rather than simply being a link! This method should be able to work on the lobby wall, on user walls, and on the forums. While videos can work on these, they do not work on thread OPs and profile biographies.

Last things to consider: if copying from a playlist, the appropriate place to copy is after the watch?v= but before the &index portion. If the video is shortened such as, then it became even easier to share. Just use the portion after the / and you'll have your appropriate link!

Approved video sharing website:

Are Youtube videos a good thing or a bad thing?
No opinion
almost 8 years