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OFFICIAL Sandbox Map Thread

almost 8 years

Enter map requests below =D

Petition to get Shwartz banned
5 signed
Pretty self-explanatory, Shwartz is a charlatan and a lier who hijacked my idea.
almost 8 years
can i have All of new zealand and wales?
almost 8 years
Hello, could I get a territory in Africa? Something big maybe from Sudan to Zimbabwe.

P.S. I truly believe your feelings about Shwartz99 are totally legitimate. Also Bebop has no business with his "friendliness". Disputes are to be settled not discouraged.
deletedalmost 8 years
pls gimme the rest of Australia!
almost 8 years
I'll take Panama
almost 8 years

lemonize says

can i be yellow instead of purple or is that not an option

so was that a no cause i'm still purple
almost 8 years
I'll take China...
I got bonobo-fied by Schwartz..
deletedalmost 8 years
Either that or the Atlantic Ocean
deletedalmost 8 years
I would like to be one of the yellowmen.
almost 8 years
I want all of Greenland
almost 8 years
Excuse me, but that map is fake.

Consider me out of this until this gets fixed. Thank you.
almost 8 years
Claiming Yukon in red.
almost 8 years

FilthyLawn says

plz giv me greenland

F*CK, pls give me iceland
almost 8 years
can i still get greenland, and pink pls
almost 8 years
i want the principality if sealand, please
almost 8 years
can i be yellow instead of purple or is that not an option
almost 8 years
give me the coldest
almost 8 years
where is Sandbox University located on this world map?
almost 8 years
give me china pls
almost 8 years
plz giv me greenland
almost 8 years
Delet this.
almost 8 years
give me back uganda please

also shwartz was just trying to help and have some fun- he probably saw it as a community project

i can see where you were upset but it wasn't bad intent, maybe you guys could work together on this? (:

either way idea good job
almost 8 years
DAFUQ is Jesteroz??

Gimme back France NAWW kthx
almost 8 years
Give me India!
almost 8 years
this map is a lie i already claimed scandinavia for myself ages ago
almost 8 years
I want Latvia pls