about 8 years

I made a icon sheet for fufus. You can install it below from the script below.


(make sure you have tampermonkey or something!, PM me if you dont know how it works! )

1.1.17: fixed some stray pixels and cleaned up some sprites.

Mafia fufus now face the right way

Press the update button on the greasyfork page to update.

over 6 years
Thank you brilliant gorgeous!
over 6 years

magicalqueen says

Can you update this with the new role icons? I don't even know if you play anymore oopsiesss :)

over 6 years
Can you update this with the new role icons? I don't even know if you play anymore oopsiesss :)
over 6 years
Honestly petition this for official icons. Need to spread weeabooism.
almost 7 years
bumpity bump bump
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
i have this and its wonderful
almost 7 years
a page of fufus is the best page
almost 7 years
deletedover 7 years
I miss cub...
over 7 years
:thinking: fufu when
over 7 years
bumping because this needs to be remembered
over 7 years

dooze says




over 7 years
over 7 years
The one I'm thinking of was animated, but I think that might be the first frame of it.
over 7 years

This one?

I remember there was a whole drive full of them, but I can't find it in the forums anymore.

You can thank dooze for it anyways, she's bringing back the fufu spirit.
over 7 years

dooze says

Would you like it for a custom emote? You could also copy the file if I made it fufu of the week next week

I just want to have it. Might make it a custom emote at some point I guess.
over 7 years
Would you like it for a custom emote? You could also copy the file if I made it fufu of the week next week
over 7 years

dooze says

RandomNerd says

there is no knifufu here, I was lied to.

I have knifufu saved on my computer c:

If you share that you will instantly be my favorite owner ever.
over 7 years

RandomNerd says

there is no knifufu here, I was lied to.

I have knifufu saved on my computer c:
over 7 years

RandomNerd says

there is no knifufu here, I was lied to.

There's a slasher fufu and cutler fufu if that's what you're looking for
over 7 years
I'm still totally using these icons from now on though
over 7 years
there is no knifufu here, I was lied to.
over 7 years
looking at these icons made me wonder what makes a fufu a fufu and these are my findings

as you can see, a fufu is two geometric shapes: a rectangle intersecting a triangle. there's a mini fufu inside which forms a paw. theoretically, if you zoomed in on the paw of a fufu far enough, you would see the original fufu again
over 7 years
Great set of icons