I think we need to have a good discussion about feminism.
With the deletion of past General Discussion threads, I think it's necessary to start the debate on whether or not feminism is needed.
I have a problem with third-wave feminism because it's essentially madness and hysteria. The wage gap has been debunked, sexual assault statistics on college campuses are completely over exaggerated, and many other things.
There is this panic over female sexuality and how women are victims in the western world.
I highly suggest you watch this interview between Christina Hoff Sommers and Camille Paglia - two famous feminists who are against the excesses of today's feminism.
I need feminism because I deserve not to be mocked by my neighbors when my wife's boyfriend comes over and has me leave the house. I need feminism because I want my wife's son to grow up in a world where he can atone for being born......UGH....male....
We shouldn't strive to make women work more hours or be equal to men in every way. They are biologically different for a reason. We should strive to make sure that women have the same opportunities as men. Women predominantly earn college degrees in lower paying fields. They certainly have the option to go into the science and mathematics fields, but by and large those are predominantly male. That's not due to a systematic exclusion of women from those fields. Women have every opportunity to choose to be doctors and a decent number of them are going that route.
In specific regard to the "pay inequality", you should get paid based on the value you contribute to a business. It's true that women have to work harder in order to impress the same people at work than a man does. That's something society can work on. However, the idea that the pay inequality should somehow cover the gap in pay because a woman would statistically work less is ludicrous. Legislating pay equality for unequal work won't make men respect women in the workplace more. That has to come from the corporate cultures themselves.
"Minor inequalities" aren't the sole domain of women. Men suffer from the same systems but in different ways. At our core, women are gaining many of the same opportunities that men have.
Feminism as a movement allows for the inclusion of misandrists and feminazis. No matter how much No True Scotsmans you will pull ("Oh but she's not a REAL feminist since she hates men, she isn't actually part of the movement"), the problem is that people like them will still be able to identify within it and spread their toxic ideas to others. Which is why egalitarianism is the answer - it has zero insinuation that the movement concerns only women and thus man-hating people just will not be able to find themselves within it, whereas feminists in its attempt to popularize itself has created (and in some ways distorted) the definition of feminism, equating it to equality but also having some people rejecting this new definition and continuing to call it a movement for the advocacy of female rights (which I support), insofar that nobody actually knows what feminism means anymore which thus allows all these different people with not always good intents to join it.
And i'm not saying those aren't the major, giant issues that should be number one priorities in the feminist community. Without a doubt, the health and safety of women and children around the world is always, always first. But a majority of people aren't able to impact women in those situations in their regular lives. they care, but aren't able to drop everything to help those in 3rd world countries. they can however impact minor inequalities that happen around them. ((and yes, pay inequality still matters, especially when you account for intersectionality. also, it is a feminist issue that women are working fewer hours and taking more time off))
Except that the wage gap has been grossly exaggerated if it still exists at all in a meaningful way. That bs 70 cents to the dollar statistic is calculated as an overall statistic and not weighted to profession. Nor does it take into account that women are statistically more likely to take more days off and work fewer hours. Don't get me wrong, I think there is progress to be made, but I'm getting a little tired of people inflating the "wage gap" into something that's more than it really is.
Honestly, other people have hit the nail right on the head. Instead of looking at whether or not women are oversexualized in the media, or get hit on by men, or even have their intelligence trivialized, they would do better to focus on women that actually need help. Like in the mideast and african countries where sometime prepubescent girls are forced to marry and then habitually , or in other 3rd world countries where women face brutal violence for something as benign as trying to get an education or not wearing veils.
Western nations have come a long way since the days where women couldn't own property or vote. We now have a woman who is potentially poised to take the highest office in the land. Focusing on garbage issues distracts people from the real suffering that women endure and trivializes the movement as a whole.
stuff like pay inequality, lack of women in top positions, and sure. let's even say stuff like catcalling. things that make women feel unsafe and inferior to men. not the major problems that the eastern world is facing, but everyday problems that third wave feminism is trying to change, but not really approaching effectively.
I believe feminism is still a necessity in the western world. Though the sexes are equal legally, socially and in the workforce there are still plenty of minor inequalities, which add up. Whether or not third wave feminism is properly combating these issues is another story.
I believe feminism is still a necessity in the western world. Though the sexes are equal legally, socially and in the workforce there are still plenty of minor inequalities, which add up. Whether or not third wave feminism is properly combating these issues is another story.
As a female I think that the 3rd wave is completely BS. Let everyone start a 4th wave for EQUALITY, and not allow participation from the rainbow-haired harpies shrieking about patriarchy.
deletedover 8 years
To answer seriously, yes and no. I've been getting tired of SJWs as time has gone on. Do I think that there's definitely the aftereffects of living in a society where women weren't allowed to have jobs, vote, etc in today's society? Somewhat, yes. We're still growing out of some of those ideals. I think as time goes on, things are going to get better, but some of the radical feminists today are a little ridiculous.
And I agree with Golb that the major issues with feminism in the East should be addressed more than "HEY THAT GUY SAID I LOOKED NICE TODAY STOP CATCALLING ME."
I do call myself a feminist, but I don't want to be aligned with the misandrists.