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I'll make you an avatar

almost 9 years

PLEASE post what you want (I just realized how hard it is to draw without anything to go off of lol) or I'll try base something off your username (BTW I'M NOT DOING EVERYONE JUST THE ONES I WANT) and use it for a week AT LEAST please.

+k/Sticker me ;D

+k/Sticker me ;D

+k/Sticker me ;D

+k/Sticker me ;D

+k/Sticker me ;D

+k/Sticker me ;D

I made the avatar I have now :^)

Avatars made so far:

  • Dysnomia
  • Redino
  • xxerox
  • apeescaper x2
  • justrec
  • Mori
  • Syngularity
  • spacechupi
  • edark
  • ScarletWolf
Do u want an avatar?
Heck ya
I'm good but I appreciate what you're doing
I do but I like my current avatar (aka no)
over 6 years
over 8 years
do mine do mine (its on my porfile my avi is a drawing i did of the drawing on my profile page)
over 8 years
Where's mine?
over 8 years
I forgot about this thread.
almost 9 years
These are really cool avatars, nice drawings +k
almost 9 years
Me me me por favor! :fufu:
almost 9 years
feel free to make me a juice based avatar. like a leaking carton of juice or something. if I like it I'll use it, otherwise I won't.
almost 9 years
Make me someone in a lab coat! (If that's okay). Your avis look pretty sweet.
almost 9 years

codeslicer says

codeslicer says

Make one of a Demon from Doom getting it's head ripped off by Doomguy!

It's a little too detailed for me to do considering I'm doing these all for free...
almost 9 years

codeslicer says

Make one of a Demon from Doom getting it's head ripped off by Doomguy!

almost 9 years
Noavi masterrace. We are pieces of art
almost 9 years
Make me one pls!! I remember when suppi made me a cute cat avi, before it started trending. rip suppi ;;
almost 9 years

Edark says

Edark says

Please make me a cool gorillaface with the eyes of my avatar, a cap and headphones.

pls spiderboom

Sticker me :*

but I can maybe try that later.
almost 9 years

Edark says

Please make me a cool gorillaface with the eyes of my avatar, a cap and headphones.

pls spiderboom
almost 9 years
I made some.

Btw I'll draw you w/e you want (to the best of my ability) if you give me a Mort sticker (1st person only tho) ;3c
almost 9 years
@ myself

almost 9 years
I'm kind of busy this week but I am def going to find some time and pump out avs for ya guys.
almost 9 years
I want one if that is okay! :3

As you can see my username is ScarletWolf, so I'd like something like that. Make it cute but badass :fufu:
almost 9 years
I want a guy version of the main character from undertale
almost 9 years
oooo may i have one?
Based on the bathroom goth girl from Simpsons ( or Jessica Lovejoy (gotta keep my simpsons avis). I would really appreciate it :3
almost 9 years
make me an avatar. my username is froce so it should imply something frosty, breezy, or generally cool.
almost 9 years
bump, I might do some tonight.
almost 9 years

nbtnbt5 says

make me an avatar :3

What do yew want nebbit?
almost 9 years
make me an avatar :3
deletedalmost 9 years

SpiderBoom says

WhiteWind says

SpiderBoom says

WhiteWind says

I'd put on an avi for you.

Do you have a request? :]

Erza Scarlet x Kagura Mikazuchi in windy conditions. <3

Oh my, should probably tell you I suck at drawing people :X

Anything to represent White Wind then please. :P