do mine do mine (its on my porfile my avi is a drawing i did of the drawing on my profile page)
I forgot about this thread.
These are really cool avatars, nice drawings +k
Me me me por favor! :fufu:
feel free to make me a juice based avatar. like a leaking carton of juice or something. if I like it I'll use it, otherwise I won't.
Make me someone in a lab coat! (If that's okay). Your avis look pretty sweet.
codeslicer says codeslicer says Make one of a Demon from Doom getting it's head ripped off by Doomguy! It's a little too detailed for me to do considering I'm doing these all for free...
codeslicer says Make one of a Demon from Doom getting it's head ripped off by Doomguy! Noavi masterrace. We are pieces of art
Make me one pls!! I remember when suppi made me a cute cat avi, before it started trending. rip suppi ;;
Edark says Edark says Please make me a cool gorillaface with the eyes of my avatar, a cap and headphones. pls spiderboom Sticker me :*
but I can maybe try that later.
Edark says Please make me a cool gorillaface with the eyes of my avatar, a cap and headphones. pls spiderboom
I made some. Btw I'll draw you w/e you want (to the best of my ability) if you give me a Mort sticker (1st person only tho) ;3c
@ myself
I'm kind of busy this week but I am def going to find some time and pump out avs for ya guys.
I want one if that is okay! :3 As you can see my username is ScarletWolf, so I'd like something like that. Make it cute but badass :fufu:
I want a guy version of the main character from undertale
oooo may i have one? Based on the bathroom goth girl from Simpsons ( or Jessica Lovejoy (gotta keep my simpsons avis). I would really appreciate it :3
make me an avatar. my username is froce so it should imply something frosty, breezy, or generally cool.
bump, I might do some tonight.
nbtnbt5 says make me an avatar :3 What do yew want nebbit?
deleted almost 9 years
SpiderBoom says WhiteWind says SpiderBoom says WhiteWind says I'd put on an avi for you. ❤ Do you have a request? :] Erza Scarlet x Kagura Mikazuchi in windy conditions. <3 Oh my, should probably tell you I suck at drawing people :X Anything to represent White Wind then please. :P