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I have four more hours

about 10 years

At this fricking airport and my mom took my tablet so I can't even play pokemon and I'm bored please help

about 10 years
I wish I could drink but alas I'm back in the freaking States

Hi Kerry nice vid I wonder if you ever noticed what I did to the music Forum maybe idk

Hi kinobobino I missed u for 10 whole days and I'm feeling sad
about 10 years

Miki says

pIuto says

get drunk @ airport bars

check out my profile vid

about 10 years

pIuto says

get drunk @ airport bars

check out my profile vid
deletedabout 10 years
get drunk @ airport bars
deletedabout 10 years
threes is like 2048 but better
about 10 years
Blaziken is the most OP gen 3 starter
about 10 years

gennehfarrxD says

I want to breed azurill and pichu but I forgot how

azurill you need sea incense on a marill/azumarill. Don't think it matters what you breed with.

Forget about pichu tho
about 10 years
Ur ugly go away
about 10 years

gennehfarrxD says

Torchic is always my starter I don't like treeko and swampert is ugly

about 10 years
Go to bed jack go to fricking bed
about 10 years
I want to breed azurill and pichu but I forgot how
deletedabout 10 years

gennehfarrxD says

Jackjack maybe you should watch a movie or wait isn't it like 1am there go to beddd

its almost 2 now but I'd watch something if mika was down but he has left me, sadly
about 10 years

gennehfarrxD says

But tbh flygon and gardevoir are my faves

gardevoir is great esp. since no eevee in game to get espeon.

blaziken is too op tho :/ maybe I'll just go mudkip and not evolve it.
deletedabout 10 years
It is like 2 years older than 2048
about 10 years
Jackjack maybe you should watch a movie or wait isn't it like 1am there go to beddd
about 10 years

animegayboy69 says

gennehfarrxD says

What is threes

it's a game, you can play on your phone, you slide around and put numbers together to make them bigger

Sounds like 2048
about 10 years

gennehfarrxD says

What is threes

it's a game, you can play on your phone, you slide around and put numbers together to make them bigger
deletedabout 10 years
what a homosexual end to a homosexual day
deletedabout 10 years
I am going to spend my night chilling to radiohead whilst I post on forums
about 10 years
But tbh flygon and gardevoir are my faves
about 10 years
Torchic is always my starter I don't like treeko and swampert is ugly
about 10 years

gennehfarrxD says

Pokemon Sapphire aka best pokemon ever!!!!!

good game. which starter? I love them all :c
about 10 years
Wow ya big nerd I'm so proud of u
deletedabout 10 years
yeah I do but I'm done studying for today because I'm a pro
about 10 years
Don't you have finals jackjack