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Top Ten Worst Doctor Who Episodes

over 10 years

To all you lonely Whovians out there...

...this thread is for you!

Here i rank my least favorite Doctor Who episodes of Series 1-7.

Spot 10: The Lazarus Experiment

This episode could have been actually pretty good, but it was just lacking that spark. Tennant didn't try his hardest, and you felt no emotional bond to Martha, her mom, or Tish. Also Gatiss should stick to writing, just saying.

Spot 9: The Age of Steel/Rise of the Cybermen

The only reason this episode isn't lower down the list is because a) the Cyberman redesign is really well done and b) Mickey/Ricky. To be honest, upon first viewing, I didn't want to watch Part 2 because the whole "Parallel Universe" was done earlier and better, but Mickey made me keep going. His sendoff was very well done.

"Delete...this episode from history."

Spot 8: Gridlock

This episode just seemed really boring to me. The idea of being trapped in traffic for life and jumping from car to car could have been done much better.

Perhaps I am not remembering this episode all that well, but it was just meh for me. Nothing really interesting to drive the plot forward.

Spot 7: The Wedding of River Song


Pros: the Silence, Winston Churchill scenes

Cons: pretty much everything else

I didn't care how River ended up. I didn't care how the Doctor survived. I just wanted to see him go on adventures with some people and occasionally get intertwined with their lives.

The companions don't choose the Doctor, the Doctor chooses his companions, which was my problem with Amy encroaching on his life.

Spot 6: The Beast Below

I find that most bad episodes have "The" in the title. Huh.

Just plain boring, useless satire that was done better in "Long Game," an episode i quite liked.

Smilers are pretty scurry tho.

Spot 5: The Bells of Saint John

Oh no! Watch out, the internet might gobble you up!

Not only was it boring, but the enticing scenes weren't exciting. The climax was rushed, and Clara had a better intoduction in "Asylum."

Spot 4: The Curse of the Black Spot

A silly romp on a pirate ship with a misunderstood alien trying to heal the victims or a curse...what?

Just plain unbelievable. I bet writer Stephen Thompson just wanted to be able to say "Yeah, I put the Doctor on a pirate ship. That was me."

The pirates weren't nasty enough, and how many times will they kill Rory?

Spot 3: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS

Now we're delving into the deep sh*t here. We wanted to see the TARDIS, and we got a library and a few corridors. And a trio of assh*le brothers out of a Farrely movie. Also, what a horrible reset button ending. Like seriously, think of something else Thompson.

"Durr, Doctor on a pirate ship! Yeah!"

Clara was nothing more then a plot device.

Spot 2: The Rings of Ahkaten

To quote Buzzfeed: "This makes no bloody sense."

It has a few good concepts (scratch that: ONE) and just throws the rest out of the water. This episode just made me angry, angry at my girlfriend, angry at my cat, just angry. AND THE CHILD ACTING JUST--

Dishonorable Mention:

The Angels Take Manhattan -


Seriously, it was all action no thought. Work on your goodbye episodes Moffat.


Spot 1: Time, Day, and Name of the Doctor

This is just, just really bad. I group these three episodes togther into one giant megadump because there is nothing really that sets them apart from each other.

"But Myths! One of those was the 50th anniversary! How can you say that?"

Because it was sh*t. Like, literal dogsh*t. All three of these episodes were boring, pretentious, masturbatory fantasies which built up characters (sorry, plot devices) that i didn't care about in the first place.

What a waste of talent.

Well that's my list. Leave a comment on how you think it's wrong!

Who is your least favorite Doctor of New Who?
Christopher Eccleston
David Tennant
Matt Smith
Peter Capaldi
over 10 years
yeah, i'm pretty sure i'm remembering gridlock wrong.
deletedover 10 years
I think you should re-watch gridlock tbh. It explores a lot of amazing new concepts (the 'feeling drugs', the traffic jams, etc), and even contains homage to one of those old doctor who monsters.

And that heart wretching 'ragged cross' song, too. :( Its definitely Top Ten
over 10 years
matt smith was too giggly, i liked him in season 5. he was a change of tine, but then he just went overboard. season six is where the show started going downhill
over 10 years
tbh i have to give love and monsters credit for taking the hate.

i used to watch dr who WAY BEFORE eccleston showed up, and it just felt, i just liked it.

i agree that the monster was f*cking awful, and the ending was horrible, and out of the bottle episodes (Love 'n' Monsters, Blink, Midnight, The Lodger, and The Girl Who Waited) this is the worst.

up until the last 10 minutes i loved it. probably around 17th or 18th worst on my list.

also Fear Her is a really close call, it had a good concept but delivered poorly, also power of love AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH

Fear Her is around 13th or 14th worst.

also school reunion was really good, i have no idea what you're talkin about
deletedover 10 years
Are you kidding? Gridlock is a top ten episode for me. :p And Kyles right where is love and monsters?
deletedover 10 years
^^ Most of them beat American ones really.
over 10 years
People still watch british sitcoms?
over 10 years
I liked Gridlock. I remember finding School Reunion boring
over 10 years
5. Nope, shouldn't be on here. Clara was fun and the doctor was fun. It was an introduction episode so yes it might have been rushed a bit but I thought it was great and accomplished what it needed to.

4. Okay yea not the best episode

3. It wasn't that great an episode, but I wouldn't put it as low as number 3 much less top 10 worst episodes.

2. Ummmmm you really seem to be hating on Clara, but yea this wasn't that good either, I can agree with this being here, just not this low

1. Yep, bad bad bad, but not as bad as Love and Monsters

Also Fear Her was a terrible episode that would probably take my number 3-4 spot.
over 10 years
That fact that love and monsters is not on this list like immediately discredits it.

10.Lazarus should be way farther up(or down idk),

9. I can kinda agree with Cybermen but I wouldn't put it in my 10

8. I actually really liked this episode, yes the concept isn't the best if you look at it like that, but you kinda felt sympathetic towards all the characters in each car and the ending was <333333

7. I honestly don't remember this episode very well other than the general story line it brought to the season, so it probably deserves to be up here

6. I liked it. Yea it was kinda weird but I liked it, it was our first real taste of the new doctor and the older amy
over 10 years
Leave comments nerds.