he could, he'd just have to do each person individually. hell, i would've thought he could code something to make it happen. i dont have any comp stats so it doesn't affect me but just throwing that out there.
his argument about paying customers having to re-earn points is an entirely valid point, though
I agree. I approached lucid about this when the merge happened, and he said he couldn't change it or merge the points again from comp lobby to main. Not really much we can do if he says it's not possible.
I agree with you, I'd like to just be able to join gold heart games on my alts too with 0 points instead of playing red hearts.
I got Featured Setup implemented to help mitigate this, so you could play competitive quality setups for double points to get to 1.5K easier, as well as help new players learn the setups more commonly seen in gold hearts.
That's really all I can recommend to you at this point. It's how the site is coded and how he had to set it up. The old system was the exploit of the lobby system. That's not exploitable anymore.
deletedover 10 years
but if lucid really is going to ignore the wants of people with mafia alts, especially people who paid for more slots, and force them to sit through unenjoyable crap training coinflip games just to play ones they actually wanna play on their second account because its "not worth the trouble" then he's delusional or past the point of caring for his users
no he posted about it, for real. i read it, with my own eyse
where ??
deletedover 10 years
id like an actual response from lucid instead of one from someone who will just regurgitate the same thing that everyone else has said a million times in spite of the fact that they make no sense