Classic Mafia

This setup is the good old one ;)
almost 12 years
Eh, this setup is only balanced because it's played in training.
deletedalmost 12 years
no it's actually balanced but its fuckboring
almost 12 years
Lately, I find this setup not balanced. I have started winning this setup more and more. I am mafia - i win. Town - win. In last 3 days I have played this setup 15 times. I lost only once.
almost 12 years
Pain, that doesn't mean it's unbalanced, it means you've gotten better. lol. I think it is balanced. It's so balanced, that in comp it's practically a coinflip--if both parties play to their maximum.
almost 12 years
This setup is only balanced because it's not (if that makes sense). I mean, basically all this setup is that 2 players cc cop and then town has to guess which is the real cop. If they guess right, they usually win. If they guess wrong, they lose. You don't really scumhunt or anything, it's just a guessing game. The only time it's interesting is when the cop dies N1.
deletedalmost 12 years
Too town sided imo.
deletedalmost 12 years
If people are complaining about being able to win as both mafia and town that only means it's balanced lol.
deletedalmost 12 years
Has gone slightly town recently, 61 points for mafia win and 58 points for town win. It used to be 60 points for mafia and 59 for town...
over 11 years
This has always been super townsided. That's what made it good back when it was made and was at around 60/40 favored town. And the fact that it's roughly 50/50 now is pretty disturbing.
over 11 years
It's about half/half, most balanced game in ALL OF HISTORY. AWOOGA.
deletedover 11 years
this is the funniest game ever.
read n2 i promise u will laugh
over 11 years
over 11 years
It's balanced. Slightly townsided in a game where either everyone is a clever logs or no one is. In a game where players are of varied skill levels however I'd go so far as to say it's slightly maf sided. IMHO anyway.
over 11 years
The classic.....
deletedover 11 years
This is the new DLYV... -.-
over 11 years
This setup is really boring because the procedures are always the same for every game, so there is nothing interesting about it.
about 11 years
If this were played in Comp more, it would be 60% townsided even with the shit tier players we have now.
about 11 years
the reason classic mafia is 50/50 is because it is always a 50/50 coin flip based lynch.
deletedabout 11 years
metap0d, you're a fucknig genius.
about 11 years
Not a guessing game, ton of scumhunting involved. If it weren't for this setup, would not be here. It is the original, and therefore the best.
about 11 years
1hateghosts 1 day 5 hours
Not a guessing game, ton of scumhunting involved. If it weren't for this setup, would not be here. It is the original, and therefore the best.

.........i lol'd too hard at "scumhunting"
about 11 years
actually this setup sucks completely because there is too little scumhunting involved
ah right, it's training lobby
deletedalmost 11 years
pi73r, are we playing the same game?? Maybe you just can't scumhunt...
almost 11 years
training definition of scumhunting: Let the clear hammer on CCs on lylo.