This is much better. Part of the reason the other setup was so townsided was because of lawyers foolishly using their ability day 1 and getting caught by the watcher.
he says as it shows 50/49 maf/town (time of posting)
deletedalmost 12 years
every game where i have seen scum win has been due to at least 1 of 3 things: 1. massive trolling 2. ridiculous incompetence on the part of town players 3. sheriff dying N1
deletedalmost 12 years
are people really advocating not fiddling n1 when fiddling n1 gives scum a second shot at removing the town's ML
deletedalmost 12 years
Fiddling generally justs has the effect of either screwing over your partners play or pseudoclearing a townie. PRs can still communicate if they are fiddled via y/n vote flashing, its not worth it.