Search and Destroy


Thanks to Riotkiller and Brakes for help with balancing and thanks to Demixe for extensive testing.
over 12 years
death miller for literally no reason
deletedover 12 years
what's the point of sleepwalkers when scout doublevisits
deletedover 12 years
Nilla doesn't double visit, and Scout also sees sleepwalker visits.
deletedover 12 years
Scout can wifom when he thinks he has tracker.
deletedover 12 years
If the nilla/miller gets ml'd, town doesn't know which it was. Scout can get a NV, which has a 50% of being miller to push on for the miller lynch D1.
deletedover 12 years
Fuck this is too townsided .-.
deletedover 12 years
@Rondar I think maf underestimate how easy they can be boned in lylo, its relatively balanced
over 12 years
if scum don't claim tracker d1 they risk going up against three clears. if they do they guarantee town a scum lynch.
deletedover 12 years
Suggestions for adjustments?
over 12 years
-1 blue +1 miller

why not?
deletedover 12 years
That doesn't really do anything. 1 miller is for the ml, 2 millers doesn't change much without a cop.
deletedover 12 years
Might need to replace gov with a visiting PR. I'm just not sure which.
deletedover 12 years
I told u its balanced mothashutyomouth
about 11 years
98 plays: 50/50 - one of the most underrated setups here.
almost 11 years
replace tracker with watcher?
almost 11 years
this setup is pretty townsided imo. the only 2 times town lost in the 8 games i've played so far is when town was legitimately clueless.
almost 11 years
Yeah, tracker can clear people a little too easily here I feel. This may fix it a bit:
deletedover 10 years
Damn this took off. Cool :3