Gangs of Chicago

Dedicated to Verfo.
deletedalmost 15 years
This is a pretty decent setup, except when you have a moronic vig.
deletedalmost 15 years
why do i jeep winning in this setup i mean seriously every single time jeez this setup is just 2 easy even when im mafia and even when im town!
deletedalmost 15 years
50/50! nice setup.
almost 15 years
I hate this setup :3
deletedalmost 15 years
this setup is 2 easy
deletedover 14 years
takes no skill
deletedover 14 years
thank god its competitve once again
over 14 years
Sorry to game 507406... I froze :(
over 14 years
it relies too much on luck... unless you don't have a sheriff vig
over 14 years
Makes me want to try it.
over 14 years
this is hard as hell for mafia..
over 14 years
Lol 50% and 49% WHAT IS THIS?
deletedover 14 years
OMG 50/50 !!
over 14 years
over 14 years
Massclaim D1 ==> town win
deletedover 14 years
this is such an easy town win if they have a semblance of logic
deletedover 14 years
Isn't this setup 100% broken with massclaim.
over 14 years
It is, but don't tell anyone that. It's still "even" :/
deletedover 14 years
In theory... should mafia No Kill night one so as to avoid blues?
I'm still surprised to see the mafia win% climb. I've now had 3 people suicide out as mafia in fits saying that they couldn't win.
over 14 years
Massclaim D1 is more or less autowin, barring failtown.
over 14 years
The town just needs to claim in stages.


And stop claiming at CCs and deal with them.

I'm done with this setup and I recommend the same to the world.
over 14 years
i allways wonder why maf has higher %
deletedover 14 years
this setup is incredibly hard(nearly impossible) for maf if the kill a blue n1
deletedover 14 years
How is the maf win rate better, I have played this setup and maf has never won.
over 14 years
wetdumpling is really bad at this setup, he tries to force a massclaim everyday.