Nikke's Sandbox Chef Setup

The one and only
almost 13 years
10/10 would bang
over 12 years
This setup is endorsed by Christopherzilla.
over 12 years
Setup paid for by the Federation of Aggravated Gamers
over 12 years
the strategy nikke wrote seems so legit until you analyze its few faults...
first off, its spelt guerrilla warfare
second off, everyone thats in the army is trained this way, guerrilla warfare is the form of warfare where you take cover instead of forming lines and firing volley after volley at each other
thirdly, you say in the beginning that you are a seal, but later you say that you have USMC arsenal on your side.
fourthly, the government won't track someone down just because you pissed off a government agent (who some reason plays EM)
fifthly, who in their right mind would grant someone the power to track someone down because they got trolled
sixthly, who in the world would hate nikke?
over 12 years
oh yeah, and seventhly, the us armed forces teaches its trainees to not only respect their superiors, but to respect all american citizens, cussing someone out isn't very respectful
deletedover 12 years
why does this setup have shrink but no enforcer????? PUNK ASS BITCH
about 9 years
golbultima is better