Ancient Forces Unknown

With what forgotten dread mumblings does a voodoo lady curse her voodoo curse? Why are the trees speaking (and why do they swear so much)? How can the cop trust anything he finds and how can he let everyone know what's happening before he returns bloody to the earth?

The world is a nuanced place and it seems that the only way to figure it out is to watch the way the leaves blow. You must see what ancient forces unknown act upon the town, whence they came, and how they can be stopped. Otherwise your little village will fall to a darker order of things.
about 13 years
Didn't do anything to the karma but personally I don't think that voodoo lady has a place in competitive because all it really does is discourage discussion. I would though, like to see a tree stump in competitive! Just change the roles around and play-test your variations over and over. Good luck :)
about 13 years
I added the voodoo lady so that mafia has some way to kill a clever tree that's on to them. I originally had mafia as a nilla, a hooker, and a godfather with whispers enabled so the cop can give trees reports, but I thought it important for the mafia to have some way to kill a tree in case the trees are firm in their suspicions. Maybe my original setup is better and mafia should just try not to be so obvious...I'll want to playtest both.