This setup could actually be good if shitty players didn't mess it up so fucking much. Actually, even then it would still fucking suck.
deletedabout 13 years
this is one of the most engaging setups out there. it takes astute observation. people who hate it are too afraid to play the game. dont hate on idiots, pounce on them.
holy shit, ok. i feel like i need to put this here even if hardly anyone reads it. If its lylo with one maf, one fool, 3 town.. Maf, do not fucking claim fool. it gives you literally zero percent chance of winning. It leaves two options for town: lynch you, or lynch the other person claiming fool, who happens to, durrr, be fool. either you get lynched or fool gets lynched. seriously what the fuck is the thought process behind that? stop it fuk
This is literally the stupidest setup ever. It's basically determined by luck of the first night. If mafia shoot fool or there is a doc save, then town wins. If mafia shoot anyone else then they will win. Whispering to claim to one person is stupid too.
deletedalmost 13 years
Absolute trash. A luck based roulette
deletedalmost 13 years
The set-up isn't actually that bad. If you know how, you can win in most any situation.
STOP NL'ING D1, IT'S FOOL AUTOWIN, and 99% of times fools wants to win alone or side with mafia because he get more points or even a archivement for it.
sigh, I just wanna know, is outted fool not jointing on joint day GT? i mean.... more points.... no chance of winning alone.... only reason not to is like... trolling maf or friends in town.... right? or is it fool's choice?