
Original setup made by: BigGayAl. -------------------------- Changed a bit to make it less luck based.------------------ How to play? Tracker claim day 1 (stop worrying about bg being janned, you will be cc'd and won't die, but if you don't claim mafia has an easy job finding you with a stalk and lots of softclaims) and silencer has to cc. Then fuckin NL, and let them get more reports even if you are sure on the real tracker.
deletedabout 14 years
wow 100% town win, really unbalanced
deletedabout 14 years
I swear this would be more mafia sided then other one.
deletedabout 14 years
inb4 people blame it on the silencer not knowing how to play.
about 14 years
about 14 years
Of course that's because silencer doesn't know how to play. This is more mafia sided than the original one which is 52%-48% for town. When traitor has the chance to be killed by mafia.
deletedabout 14 years
It isn't as bad as early returns look. People just suck at playing mafia...
about 14 years
54% mafia win?
about 14 years
this setup is pretty A+
deletedabout 14 years
usually mafia wins because of terrible townies (bad scumhunting) and tracker/bg jan n1
about 14 years
itz hard 2 make a town sided setup these days lmao
deletedabout 14 years
MMUHUHUHHuhuhahaahahaaaaaa! win
deletedabout 14 years
mafia sided unfortunately.
deletedabout 14 years
Only mafia sided because town sucks...
about 14 years
Seriously? 39-60? Shame.
about 14 years
I feel bad for EM.
deletedabout 14 years
It's a good setup when there is good players. A lot of new players can't put too much thought into scumhunting sadly. They rather massclaim and lynch from there.
about 14 years
oh mu fkn god, 63% maf win :O after 160 games omg
about 14 years
So maf sided but who cares this is fun!
about 14 years
i'd like to say, first time i'm pretty sure playing this setup, i was bg and got janned. so yeah, sometimes worry about it.
about 14 years
It would not be so maf sided if town didn't suck. I think I've only lost two games on this setup total. Most of the games I have played I was town (until yesterday, when 401 points was repeated over and over...)
deletedabout 14 years
65% maf win, neg this krapp
deletedabout 14 years
How the hell is this so mafsided.
about 14 years
This setup is not maf sided, town just sucks.
deletedabout 14 years
this set up is killer if town is smart. I've played it competitive several times where tracker slayed mafia night after night.
about 14 years
Mafia is adjusting and beginning to kill tracker N2 after silencer cc's. Tracker probably needs to stay quiet day one OR BG needs to decide between tracker cc's and cover one N2.