Gotta be Psychic!

Interceptor needs to predict where PR's will go, Townies to figure where ceptor will be to avoid it. Giveaway message and likely ML make this balanced :D. Also stops Doc/BG being on likely death target, as mafia can easily intercept it.

Mafia. CC Watcher. Always. CC Tracker too if you want, but always cc watcher.
almost 14 years
I would like this to be competitive.
deletedalmost 14 years
Current average end time is madly skewed, about half the games i've done have had N1 suicides =/
almost 14 years
Interceptor should probably be on one of their own N1 in an attempt to kill the tracker, or at least a PR, especially if there is a maf that is known to be a decent player.
almost 14 years
Interceptor should probably be on no one N1 so that I can win when I am town.
almost 14 years
Welp. My favorite part of this setup is honestly being mafia and telling my partners exactly what to do. If mafia is smart on n1 they should win pretty much every time.
almost 14 years
and yet it's horribly townsided rofl.
deletedalmost 14 years
I really don't understand how its suddenly gone so townsided XD. I'm guessing Interceptor has been really unlucky. Bad mafia do mean they get beaten easily though.
deletedalmost 14 years
Maf needs to start cc'ing PRs. I haven't been maf yet, but every town game I've been in I've never seen more than one cc.
almost 14 years
I think it's just that the mafia don't really know which roles to claim and which strategies to go for yet. This is a new setup, and at first the town was very confused by the interceptor role. Now, the town know the sort of things that work, and in the first few days, the mafia still aren't really sure which angles to come in from. Also, people spend 70% of their time on this setup being townies, so they learn the strategies needed for a town win faster than they learn the strategies needed for a mafia win.
almost 14 years
The percentages say it's a bit townsided, but from the games I've played maf has been able to turn it all around with 1 good interception.
almost 14 years
Ridiculously easy to win as town with good players as PRs. Also town autowin happens like 30% of the time.
deletedalmost 14 years
Delete this please. Point farm
deletedalmost 14 years
If it was a point farm i woulda replaced blues with millers :P
almost 14 years
Still town sided, but I think mafia definitely needs to play better. There seems to be two major openings for mafia, 1 I like, 1 riot likes. NO MATTER WHICH, jan ALWAYS votes for kill first, ALWAYS jans before anyone else votes. This is to migrate the damage done if watcher is on the kill. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Opening 1: Hooker no hooks, no kills. Interceptor on jan. This leaves the interceptor vulerable to the tracker, but protects the rest of the team. Interceptor can claim tracker.
Opening 2: Interceptor on townie and no kills. Jan does his thing. Hooker kills, no hooks. This leaves jan vulerable to tracker, also forces both hooker and interceptor to be weary in what they claim.
almost 14 years
Please neg this setup. Horribly town sided. Complete point farm.
almost 14 years
Funny, ben. When I first palyed this this was too mafia-sided.
almost 14 years
The biggest issues are: Doc seems almost useless except end game. Doc wifoming seems dangerous. However, BG wifoming is really dangerous to the mafia. Hookers hooking is way too much of a liability to the team because of then nature of watcher/tracker. There is just way too much power with the watcher, however with out the watcher, town is pretty screwed. I almost want to suggest replacing hooker with another jan. That might seem to turn into a clusterfuck though, in a bad way. Maybe another tracker instead of a watcher? I don't know.
deletedalmost 14 years
Two trackers would share meeting and make it impossible for mafia.
deletedalmost 14 years
I could replace Tracker with Cop and throw a miller in there.
deletedalmost 14 years
Remove whispers.
deletedalmost 14 years
I've wondered about doing that
almost 14 years
town wins too much because mafia are too unexperienced.
almost 14 years
this is pretty easy to win as town unless tracker dies early
deletedalmost 14 years
easy to win as town unless mafia nail people with the interceptor
almost 14 years
Town could possibly get away without the doc. The bg is a serious threat to interceptor and attempts to kill anyone he is on. BG killing mafia n1 is instant town win, doc saving n1 is pretty much a done deal as well. I don't think enough mafia attempt to suicide into the tracker either, saccing jan for tracker is probably a good trade off.