Drunken Bombshell

Bomb claiming Day 1 is alright, although no claims would be interesting too but Day 1 9 person scumhunts with no clears can become ugly fast, especially if a PR is getting lynched. I think the best strategy here is for Bomb to claim Day 1 and Nilla ccing is probably in Mafia's best interest since the Bomb can be docced... Drunk should remain hidden as long as possible. Drunk lists are feasible for catching the final mafia when there is only one left, but the Drunk can also be hooked which is something to keep in mind. A drunk list is basically saying "Player1/Player2/Player3" and the Drunk would drunk the first available person on that list... if there is no kill, then either mafia NKd or the kill didn't go through since the mafia was drunked. Furthermore, if the Drunk dies when there is one mafia left and the town knows who the Drunk was on, then that person will be clear.
about 9 years
looks maf sided
about 9 years
At a glance yes since there's no Cop. But doc/bomb combo and drunk are powerful. Town also has an ML. It's a little luckbased but I know people like that kind of thing. Setups that are slightly scumsided are usually alright though.
about 9 years
This is perfectly balanced, look at the statistics.
deletedabout 9 years
I think bomb/druck/doc would do really well in a d1 mylo setup. something like this

bomb/drunk/doc/2blue/silencer/stalker/spy; dawnstart - must lynch

a strategy would be scumhunting without anyone outing, another strategy would be outing drunk and lynching in drunks if cced without outing anything else, if uncced drunk, outing bomb/doc as prs. if 4 or more pr claims then ask them to claim and lynch in pr claims. if 3 pr claims lynch in blues.
deletedabout 9 years
actually I'm going to make that setup