Polar Bear
  • Visits one player each night. That player becomes polarized. The Polar Bear may visit themselves.
  • If a polarized player visits any other polarized player, they will both die.
  • If a Penguin visits a Polar Bear, the Penguin dies.
  • Sided with the mafia. Does not meet.
almost 6 years
I made a draft for a black hat icon... I hope you enjoy
about 6 years
about 6 years
Can the icon wear a black hat, i t's really not obvious it's mafia :^)
about 6 years
As a little Easter Egg, the Polar Bear should be unaffected by the Snow Queen.
about 6 years
I like this rolee. Its so meme
about 7 years
I don't know how to make an icon suggestion (doesn't seem to be working) so here is my proposed icon: https://i.imgur.com/Klgu3Lh.png

Having a completely white bear would be to difficult to see against a white background.
about 7 years
I like this one, non-meeting mafias don't usually have a dynamic gameplay if they are the last mafia alive except arsonists. This one is a welcome addition IMO!
about 7 years
Do polar bears sheet in the woods?
about 7 years
Icons and role description are a great addition to the current roles already available. This role has potential to succeed in both standard and non-conventional mafia setups
about 7 years
festive pun, i love it