  • Starts off with one gun. (Gun is immune to Sab)
  • Can choose someone at night.
  • When the gun is fired, it reveals to have been shot by whoever this player chose.
  • Can do this once a game.
  • Attends mafia meetings
  • Sided with Mafia

In popular setups

hollywood illusions played 9,565 times
Sinister Sundown played 969 times
Quickdraw played 127 times
Lethal Circus played 108 times
over 12 years
is it in a seperate meeting?
over 12 years
Beautiful Gran. That was just beautiful.
over 12 years
It should be a oneshot ability, and I think being able to choose at night who would appear to shoot the gun would be better. You only need it to happen once, because after the first time people will start to wisen up to the illusionist. Also, if your target dies before you shoot, then you would be revealed as the shooter instead of them. That way Sniper isnt completely obsoleted. It can also serve as a way to have sheriffs no longer be auto town cleared after shooting in a game with no gun giving roles
over 12 years
Love it :)
over 12 years
So one name throughout the game?
over 12 years
I like this role. But it's too OP if every time they shoot it says someone else's name. It should only switch names for the gun they start off with.
over 12 years
What bubba said. I wrote this at like 4 am.
over 12 years
Basically when they shoot, it makes it look like someone else did.
over 12 years
- When he/she shoots the instead of showing their name it will show another players name. (That player won't know)...