Disagree. A town-sided ceptor can both psuedo-protect like a watcher, or can play games and try to catch a mafia on their kill. It's not OP at all because he can still kill townies if he messes up.
I shouldn't have worded that the trap is an item, it's not. If it can be stolen trapper cannot do anything to protect power roles with thief alive. If it does become an item then how about the trap lasts forever until sprung, but the trapper cannot trap again until it is sprung or the person is lynched.
I kind of feel it's OP. It can combine cop and bomb, for example, if the trapper continuously bombs the cop. Traps should be thievable, of that I have no doubt. But still, idk. Needs a tweak in my opinion.
Town-sided interceptor. Either that or bg with a 100% accurate shot but without the ability to protect. Either way it's simple enough for me to approve.
hmmm, free bombs at night... I think the biggest problem I have with this role is the propensity it would have for stalling out the game. When it gets down to say, 3-5 people with one maf, the maf may choose to repeatedly nk because of the trapper. Having potential bombs all over the place is even worse than only having one. -k just because I personally hate games that stall due to inaction.
Yeah, it is a similar to the int I suppose. Int has the restriction of being caught and can not kill his team. Trapper's traps do not reveal him, and can backfire. It's more like a roundabout vigilante.
Grannies are invincible and kill everyone. Think of it as a free bomb effect. Pseudo-protection as well, mafia would be scared to hit cop if there's a trapper around.
Sigh, with this basic attitude this will never work.