Prophet is luck and skill based at the moment, its also underpowered as hell. I have a idea that could balance it out. make it so that the Prophet can see all the roles in-play the exact way as tailor, spy and werewolf can. If it could do this it could make accurate assessments of when the game would end, and throw the experience factor into play tenfold aswell as make claiming agent a possibility as Prophet, and give werewolf and mafia something they could claim to avoid being lynched. Of course this feature would not be helpful in none-closed role setups if masons/cultists/yakuza were not in-play.
For you bunch of fags (specially the retard comparing to alien) do you realize what the power of this role is? It can be autowin for town day 3, but prophet needs it to end day 4. So the prophet... sides with the mafia to delay the game another day. Then, depending on results, sides with whichever would end the game. It's not just luck. You can alter the progression of the game with your vote if it counts.
pretty lame if you mess up your time, you basically become like a lyncher without his target, I have no clue if he gets ten town points, not like it matters because this role will never ever be competitive
MagicKid - Actually if the game ends on a successful day 3 lynch, the game never goes to night 4, at least theres no night 4 tab in the top bar.
As for what it adds to the game, it's pretty much a warlock with a different goal and is a role that would be able to joint with mafia/town/cult. There's luck involved but it also could take some manipulation in order to get your prophecy to come true!
Just one thing I'm wondering - say the game ends with a successful village lynch on Day 3. Does that count as a Day 3 win, or a Night 4 win (considering technically the game would have rolled on to Night 4). Same with maf kill, if it's a kill on Night 4, is that a Day 4 win?
Night action is should be stated as being mandatory n1 to prevent confusion. Potentially too powerful in certain setups but can easily be built around for some fun. Possible jointing by the prophet in order to 'self fulfill' his prophecies by helping or hurting town, etc.