  • Chooses one person every night.
  • If targeted by a killing role, the chosen person will be killed instead.
  • Ability only works once.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

Fancy Points  played 189 times
Speech is Golden played 162 times
MG – Grand Finale Loaded played 108 times
over 7 years
Is the ability wasted if use it but it doesn't trigger or do you still have it?
deletedover 8 years
Ghoul is not a visiting role, that's why it can't be roleblocked.
almost 9 years
Action flow:

Maf → Ghoul 1 → Ghoul 2 → Other
Death: Other

Maf → Ghoul 1 → Ghoul 2 → Ghoul 1
Death: Ghoul 1

Maf → Ghoul 1 → Ghoul 2 → Ghoul 3 → …
Death: Ghoul 2


Maf → Ghoul 1 → Bomb/Granny
Deaths: Maf, Bomb

Maf → Ghoul 1 → Ghoul 2 → Bomb/Granny
Death: Ghoul 2

almost 10 years
Ghoul too ugly even the hooker wouldn't spend a night with them ~ that means hooker can't hook ghoul
deletedalmost 10 years
I want to create a ghoul who chooses a player at night; and if that player is targeted by mafia, the kill redirects to a player of "ghoul2's" choice. I can't figure out the mechanics in role creation for it. Someone help!
almost 10 years
actually what happens when there are multiple ghouls in a game.

say A target B and B target C

If A is killed does the kill get transferred to C
almost 11 years
Ghoul on thulu hell yes¡¡ 2 mafs chutuled
about 11 years
Everyone says this is a bad idea to be "town sided". But think about it... if we have ccs, then whoever tries to kill the Ghoul will be killed (if mafia)
over 11 years
It makes sense gameplay-wise.. I think. But a "ghoul" townsided is really strange, should have a different name or something.
over 11 years
This reminds me of another role I used to play with irl, Veteran. Once a game, he can choose to "go on alert". If he does, whoever tries to kill him gets killed instead. Much more fitting than Ghoul.
deletedover 11 years
this shouldnt be townsided..
over 11 years
Why is the undead monster town sided?
over 11 years
No more OP than Granny
over 11 years
In a ghoul game, ghoul would redirect to a non-pr. This would force mafia to cc prs kind of.
over 11 years
bad role is bad
over 11 years
I agree that maybe changing to blue is unnecessary. However, I think it has its uses as village, including: switching the kill to someone protected by doc, switching to someone you think is mafia... Etc.
over 11 years
i would plus this but it has 69 likes
deletedover 11 years
Maybe just remain ghoul after ability is used, like the Sheriff/Deputy/maybe others I can't recall right now. Changing role from ghoul to blue isn't really necessary. Also, this sounds more like third party to me rather than town sided. I mean, the ghoul could/will most likely target another town sided role.
deletedover 13 years
what side s it?
over 13 years
over 13 years
Of course, it can be lynched and shot.
over 13 years
So it only works if it gets night killed right? Lynches and gunshots during the day will kill it?
over 13 years
plussed it
over 13 years
Priest, sure. Shrink, not really.
over 13 years
Suggestion: It dies if it tries to redirect to a priest or a shrink. Maybe?