
Report #272,377

Report Details

closedalmost 5 yearsfor Game 7039414
moderated by
CP in a game. That should get a refund.


 received a violation for Copied Mechanics from Alyssa
almost 5 years
After reading through yeah, I respect the sentence.

Sry for the paragraphs Aly xD <3
almost 5 years
Copied Mechanics are definitely against the rules and a violation has been given out, but reading through I don't believe town won with certainty because of the copied mechanic, especially with a forced no lynch going on with uncertainty in the game. Elavent has been warned not to do it again, and while this certainly has swayed the game(as any vio given out would signify), it's not something that made mafia lose 100%, a refund here isn't the most likely. As through your explanation, this is more of spadez's actions than elenavent's, on why you're asking for a refund here. They could have just as easily accused the user of dumbtelling and acting like they don't know how the rules work, it's not something that ensured the town's victory, although it certainly swayed it and is why there is at least a violation being given here.
almost 5 years
I cannot say that I was not influenced by the C/P. I forced NL because I was not sure, but one of my rationales was if Elena was not real cop, would she claim as hooker. She did not seem to be at that level. The C/P made it clear that she was not a good player.

It was a disadvantage, but I do not think the outcome really changed based on the cheat. Vanity was scummy and was clearly maf after my grilling.
almost 5 years
Of course a refund is up to the discretion of other moderators, I'm jest mildly triggered because the reason the refund is being suggested for didn't even affect the game.
almost 5 years
You used me as an example in both of your initial statements tho :c

I'd advocate a refund if the game was seemingly compromised in any way but EasyGG and Nightwing8782 forced NL during D3 because they weren't sure. If anything we were at an disadvantage because of how helpful Cop was.

Only reason town won was because Ccxv made me become his direct cc during D4. NightWing8782 probably factored in VanityPrime's coasting + my responses (though you'd have to ask him yourself) as his reason to hammer (which was on VanityPrime, not even in Cops).

That as a result made Ccxv confirmed though.
almost 5 years
Girl if I thought you were at fault I would have reported you.

I am just saying, that although YOU weren't influenced by that c/p report, the game was still compromised. How about the others? How does mafia react to a c/p report that is from a "new player".

It's literally a disadvantage.
almost 5 years
Did you not read a single thing I typed out?

Why would I tr Ccxv when they outed an inno on their cc, especially when their only defense was spamming then lying to try get you lynched instead? After you were lynched Elenavent8 could only be Hooker which made absolutely no sense.

I'm not mad at you, I'm just mildly offended you'd think I would disregard someone's whole game because someone else had an "unfair advantage". I barely acknowledged the c/p because of how irrelevant I deemed it as.

I pointed out them being a new player to defend them from NightWing8782 scrutinising their lines.
almost 5 years
I didn't say you were at fault spadez but meta tring because they are a new player is like... not exactly a fair way to play
almost 5 years
Oh it's already been solved nevermind then, ignore me >.>
almost 5 years
I never even once said I tr'ed Elenavent8 because of the c/p though. It was 80% because of Ccxv's inno on them and the other 20% based on Ccxv's follow-up on Day 2.

The reference to them being a new player was for 2 reasons.

1. Suggesting Elenavent8 would cc Cop as Hooker just because they were inno'd.

2. Nightwing8782 picking apart Cop's lines like at 25:13, 25:53.

There was also the "Elenavent8 checking their cc" thing as well but I didn't blatantly write that out so I'll leave it out.

Copying mechanism is bad though so don't do it again Elenavent8 :c
almost 5 years
really sorry. I should have looked at the rules more carefully, did not realize i was breaking one by retyping a report. Wont happen again! <3
almost 5 years
"Copied Mechanics" does not mean just copy/pasting any in-game system message, but also typing them out. please take this 1st violation as just a warning that you shouldn't be doing stuff like this in ranked or competitive games. I suggest refreshing yourself on the rules, to make sure to avoid breaking them in games.
almost 5 years
Not saying they did it, but this user COMPLETELY enabled meta tring.

Literally, how do you beat a cc against a new player that is copy pasting a report?

You cannot. And although ccxv tried their best to say it was wifom, they ultimately could not beat a cp'd report, which led to meta tring, which led to mafia being easy prey.

They were the root of this game's problems. Which is why is should be a refund and a c/p warning.
almost 5 years
Crime was committed on 25:55,

With spadez then ultimately sharing their idea on the subject.

Now I am not saying spadez is at fault for meta tring/ogi'ing whatever the hell, but elevant's copy pasted report made it hell for maf, which is why it should be a refund.

Quite literally he put mafia at a disadvantage, using meta on new players to justify the "copness" of Elevant8 instead of ingame lines/interactions.

I rest my case.
almost 5 years
Spadez entire tr on elevant was them being a 'new player' and basically wifoming the copied report.

Might I add it was in a competetive game, and was a direct result of mafia's loss.

With elevant, 'a new player' cping their report. Ccxv had nothing to do against him, except claim that it was a fake cp.

At the end of the day Spadez death tr on this new player because of their cp led to an ultimate mafia loss. And should indeed be a refund.