
Report #190,773

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 8 years
Outing of Personal Information
Outing personal or privileged information without permission. Multiple pieces of information revealed may lead to multiple violations.

I don't mind him leaking the info about Bebop/Ayd but he gave out my password in the pastebin allowing multiple people to log into my account.
about 8 years
if you have such a high IQ, why did you give someone your password?
about 8 years
and again, only cjn can delete lobby wall posts. all i did was politely ask for you to keep your dramatics off of the lobby wall as that is not what it is used for.
about 8 years
lol, i'm just following what the terms of service say. you are responsible for your own password security. you shouldn't be outing your password to multiple people if you want your account to stay secure. you gave him permission to do what he wants with your password and your account when you give away your password.
about 8 years
i actually can't delete posts, only cjn can
about 8 years
What an uncomfortable pastebin to read.
about 8 years
about 8 years
Vote for no violation. Also, according to the TOS, you are responsible for keeping your password secure. You shouldn't have given your password away to begin with.
about 8 years
I really don't think this report is worth the embarrassment of publicly posting that conversation
about 8 years
Shut up lol Evolpz I just wanted to make sure he knows.
about 8 years
Uglyduckling is a terrible source. Please don't believe anything he says.
about 8 years
oh dis. Moomo you lied to me. Don't pm acting like you love me when you don't you lied to me. And manipulated me. Forget it our friendship is over. Also Voice I am sorry that I let this idiot convince me of that wasn't even true. THE END