
Report #190,773

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 8 years
Outing of Personal Information
Outing personal or privileged information without permission. Multiple pieces of information revealed may lead to multiple violations.

I don't mind him leaking the info about Bebop/Ayd but he gave out my password in the pastebin allowing multiple people to log into my account.
about 8 years
Please report me for mod abuse for deleting comments you were warned to stop making. PLEEEEEEASE.
deletedabout 8 years
All your IQ points but you werent smart enough to know to never give out your password or personal info.
about 8 years
I cant believe people like you exist just to make other's lives terrible.
about 8 years
why are you two fighting again
about 8 years
Cool lol
about 8 years
I'm not sure why you think that's a victory
about 8 years
Attaching a note to this for future reference - sharing sensitive information such as passwords without the owner's consent is not behavior that I want to encourage on the site. This case is tempered by the fact that Moomo implicitly asked Voice to share the information in the conversation, so no full violation will be given, but I want to make it clear that sensitive personal information like passwords, full names, addresses, etc., are not to be publicized without the owner's explicit permission.
about 8 years
Well Moomo does show all the traits of a serial killer. So...
deletedabout 8 years
IQ of 150 isn't helping much is it?
about 8 years
alright why don't you take a break
about 8 years
have you thought about going to therapy?
deletedabout 8 years
I think the fact that everyone is dunking you Moomo shows that regardless of any intellect you may have, none of it translates to any ability of social competency. You have shown here that you are unable of forging true friendships and that you are a person who would rather assert yourself as better than everyone else. You have chosen a career that requires no social interaction out of you and I think it's because you realize you are not competent. Hiding behind intellect in order to mask your huge personal flaws is pretty pathetic. Go on.
about 8 years
*whispers* has he seen the verdict yet
about 8 years
so smart you gave your password out and thought that there was a secret plot to overthrow me.
about 8 years
Hey. Verdict was given. No violation. If you do not want your password leaked in the future, do not give out your password. This is not OPI.
about 8 years
Thanks for the juicy pastebin that made you look bad though. Fun read.
about 8 years
this is awkward, guess he didn't see the verdict...
about 8 years
Your fault.
about 8 years
Your fault.
Your fault.
Your fault.
Your fault.
Your fault.
Your fault.
about 8 years
[4:28:42 PM] Moomo Elmo: to be fair, ayd is super smart
[4:28:47 PM] Moomo Elmo: and he played me to look like the bad guy again
[4:28:52 PM] Moomo Elmo: and i got anally
[4:28:56 PM] Moomo Elmo: i shouldn't have sent this to ayd
[4:28:59 PM] Moomo Elmo: i think this is where i went wrong
[4:29:21 PM] Moomo Elmo: I'm heading to bed right now, before I sleep can you tuck me in? :'o  And this isn't a request either, it's a demand, if you don't I'll expose you. So you better hug me and tuck me in before I head to bed, like right now.
then i got
soonly after
[4:29:48 PM] Tucker: no I made a pastebin of our entire conversation
[4:29:55 PM] Tucker: and sent it to both bebop and ayd
[4:29:58 PM] Moomo Elmo: ok
[4:30:01 PM] Tucker: (^:
[4:30:02 PM] Moomo Elmo: im not mad
[4:30:04 PM] Moomo Elmo: <3
[4:30:43 PM] Tucker: I mean you gave me permssion
[4:30:48 PM] Moomo Elmo: voice
[4:30:51 PM] Moomo Elmo: im not mad
[4:30:53 PM] Moomo Elmo: i love u
about 8 years
Not like you could destroy me anyways, I have you outwitted
about 8 years
It's actually not against the rules per the Terms of Service, and you actively told me to share the information you told me, which is in the pastebin.
about 8 years
i truly have never been "involved" in anything even half as stupid as this.
deletedabout 8 years
lol moomo end your life buddy