
Report #104,398

Report Details

closeddeletedalmost 10 yearsfor Game 3243468
LURK CHEATS WITH LUKAGEO. Perfect coordination.
deletedalmost 10 years
wtf why am i here
almost 10 years
quit trolling me
deletedalmost 10 years
wait what this isnt my report
almost 10 years
I've looking for a few days and can't see anything appear later on that is consistent. Please refrain from playing in the same manner again however.
almost 10 years
i've been rused
almost 10 years
wtf why am i here
deletedalmost 10 years
almost 10 years
its the only game they played together, I think but i am not sure. also if someone cheated with someone that game, its mikeLee and his retardedu buddy partner DefconSarang. but also this was their only game as no one gets vio. however, i am sure DefconSarang and MikeLee cheated. Lurk doesn't cheat iwth Lukageo.look at games.they cant be cheaters and have only one game together