
Report #249,060

Report Details

closeddeletedover 6 years
Appeal - bro. He wasnt orc. You said "claiming your role isnt trolling" . Next time if you dont wanna read a game and do a report, at least open the game review page where you can see who is what role. It is really sad that people still do reports without opening the game and just by reading comments on the report. Have some shame.
over 6 years
Looks like you don't understand the game. Everybody fake claims. I literally made it abundantly clear in my original report. Fake claiming isnt trolling or gt. But fake claiming without purpose and fake claiming every game just for the sake of it is trolling. He said in game he does it every game. He came up with an explanation only after he was reported. He said he hard claimed due to which i marked him as orc and didnt ask others to claim and ended up shooting real orc. You seem to have good intentions but you dont understsnd the game or the rule and now you are trying to twist your statement to prove you read the game when you clearly closed the report based on his comment alone.
over 6 years
His reasons for doing so weren’t to gt or troll
over 6 years
you’re right I worded it wrong. What I meant was what I said below. I stand by that. He fake claimed orc day start and said “I hyper claim” if I remember correctly. He never once hardclaimed the role. It may be bad play in this set up Hugo, but everyone has done it and I don’t feel it warrants a violation here
over 6 years
If you read what I said I said that claiming your role or a role isn’t gt. he had no intent to GT he never hardclaimed the role. It’s also not trolling. Are you going to seriously tell me you have neve claimed a role as blue before to try and get your fos lynched or for whatever reason other than to GT?