
Report #249,049

Report Details

closeddeletedover 6 yearsfor Game 6587077
Trolling. He claimed orc for zero town win motivation. I marked him as orc and shot outside. Ask him what strategy he had for claiming orc.
over 6 years
Claiming your role isn't trolling. It may have been bad play, but that is all it was.
over 6 years
Not trolling. The reason is because mafia won't kill orc n2, so then I stay alive from maf's night kill and real orc potentially gets hit later in the game revealing a role. When someone claims orc, I retract. It's a strategy I've been testing out recently, no reason to report me dude. Also I outed my reads this game as town on why I thought Knicks was maf.
deletedover 6 years
Post game admits to doing it every game. This proves he isnt claiming for any strategic reason but claiming for trolling. This should be punishable in comp.