
Report #237,427

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closeddeletedalmost 7 yearsfor Game 6342244
deletedalmost 7 years
it wasn't about me not having it my way; penderecki was literally not playing to his wincon.
almost 7 years
yea i understand it might have been frustrating but you shouldn't suicide just cause you were not having it your way
deletedalmost 7 years
Penderecki was obv not trying to win. Not that it changes anything but yeah.
deletedalmost 7 years
definitely did. the other clear spent both days of the game antagonizing me because of the shot and trying to lynch my townread in lylo while also talking about things completely unrelated to the game in an attempt to insult/troll me; i didn't feel that town as a whole deserved the loss because of penderecki being an obstinate buffoon so i just sui'd to save everyone else the loss.