
Report #234,743

Report Details

closedover 7 yearsfor Game 6289718
GRS. Didn't want to play as maf. Is just joining another game as their alt now.
over 7 years
If I was the one reported I would appeal this.
deletedover 7 years
volta is a qt <3 best h4xx0r

just give gary vio since he put pw on forums
over 7 years
It's true, I wanted to leave his account for good, but it said he was in a game, so I clicked on it and he was forced to leave. Thought it was ok because game didn't look like it had filled yet.
If someone is to get a violation is me, not him.
over 7 years
i legit got "hacked" lol.
idc much since i put my password on the forums, but that was the h4xx0r forcing logout from another location. also ty for not changing my password, volta, ily