
Report #233,797

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedalmost 7 years
outing personal and privileged information:

I do not advertise my age. They both insulted me on this report and outed this information and they were not allowed to. I like never tell people my age. When people ask if I am 12, i even claim to be that old!
deletedalmost 7 years
All you did with this baseless report is confirm your age that you so badly wanted to be kept a secret
almost 7 years
charley isn't a mod anymore and i can confirm I looked at the report,when the verdict was given and it wasn't moderated by an active mod at that point and charley was active at that point so it would have showed that she moderated it.
deletedalmost 7 years
Mods/rolemods can confirm I thought you were 27 :))) because when they asked I said 27
deletedalmost 7 years
Oh it's the verdict LOOOL dude I'm not even a mod shut up report spam tbh
deletedalmost 7 years
excuse me I never told anyone your age????? (I'm mobile so I can't see the link but whatever it is is lies)
deletedalmost 7 years
you have no right to share detailed information like this