
Report #217,137

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedover 7 years
OPI. Brings up my location AGAIN after I reported her and asked her to stop.
deletedover 7 years
No stfu
deletedover 7 years
Just do your best to avoid one another, and if you do end up in the same game please just keep your chat to things strictly game related.

I'm no vioing this because it doesn't seem severe and mtlve doesn't seem malicious.

Just be more thoughtful with your words and try to avoid one another.
deletedover 7 years
You know what you did. Fuc'k you.
deletedover 7 years
You literally requote it in a report where I report you for saying it the first time lol fu'ck off stalker
deletedover 7 years
When did I bring it up again? I did not. This was already handled:

Appeal the report and stop reporting me for bs.

you never told me to not say where you are from, but I can stop now that you told me this. Everyone always says so and so is from x so how is this an issue even tbh?