
Report #217,071

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedover 7 yearsfor Game 5917764
OPI 17:30, 22:46 Mtlve constantly brings up my religion and where I live to get at me. Here she brings up my religion and can the mod who handles this PM me for more things I don't want in public.
over 7 years
>the mormon hater

deletedover 7 years
the dumb bit'ch literally just did it again with OPI in this report and the mod still fu'cking doesn't care. I DON'T WANT HER OUTING MY FUC'KING LOCATION AND I ASKED HER TO STOP AND SHE DID IT AGAIN IS THAT NOT MY RIGHT TO NOT WANT MY PERSONAL INFORMATION OUTED
deletedover 7 years
hahahah the mormon hater no vios this what a shocker even after he harassed me into giving him my location where i live saying if i didn't he'd just get mtlve to tell him wtf is wrong with you jordan
deletedover 7 years
17:00 mtlve kill yourself in real life
17:30 I tell him that is not a nice thing for a mormon boy to say, because i was offended and have told him many times to not talk like this to me

31:19 he tells me to stfu dumb

34:37 he outs my job and then goes into some explicit sexual talk

35:18 I then say that I dont think he is in provo after what he said to me. What else do i say after that * that he just said to me?....
over 7 years
this dumpster diver is very clearly mentioning personal things to get under my skin lmao the things she says have 0 merit to the game.
over 7 years
/I/ PM'd /YOU/ after you closed the report after IGNORING what it said.
over 7 years
I've already PM'd you and you haven't provided any information.
deletedover 7 years
don't talk to me you anti-mormon. you also ignored the part where i ASKED THE MOD HANDLING THIS TO PM ME SO I CAN SHARE MORE.
over 7 years
It's a report regarding OPI, not religion. Outing which god you happen to believe in is not OPI. Like I said before, if there's anything else she did that you don't want out in public, feel free to send me a PM.
over 7 years
oh good the anti-religious guy decided to take a report regarding religion.
over 7 years
If there's anything else she did that you don't want to out in public, feel free to send me a PM.
deletedover 7 years
1. your language during this game was extremely offensive to me. how many times have i asked you to stop telling me to kill myself and * like that. Dont know how you expect me to react to that. I tried reminding you that you shouldnt be this bad for religious regions...

2. we are playing in a set up with a *ing disguiser and we have to ask questions to know if people are real or not. its not like I gave them your full name...

3. you have not told me that you wanted to keep things like your religion, school, etc private. I do not care if people tell others that I live in Germany so how am I to know what you dont want people to know unless you tell me...
deletedover 7 years
The CITY I LIVE IN is my own PERSONAL INFORMATION that you have NO RIGHT outing in games.