
Report #213,454

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 7 years

mod abuse: this report needs to get processed by non-Jeff people like I requested and preferably by an admin. This report is bs and these people just want me off this site/out of this round. I did just insult charley early today so this was a grudge thing purely...
deletedabout 7 years

game summary is above. The cop and I were tunneling each other for days, but we were both clear. I thought that he was mafia for tunneling me when i was clear and vice versa. This game was just a bad play by both of us. The clear tbh should have seen that we were both clear and hammered outside for mafia... this was bad play and not worthy of a vio for any of us
deletedabout 7 years
Vote to OT to no vio
deletedabout 7 years
"non jeff people"
deletedabout 7 years
You insulted me? darn i missed it do it again