
Report #195,083

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 8 yearsfor Game 5410481
5:14, 5:28, 6:14, 9:56, 11:06 Homophobic slurs and ableist attacks.
about 8 years
no vio lmfao
about 8 years
First off I don't think what she said in game is enough to warrant a HC violation, as it wasn't particularly severe. Secondly, I'm going to reiterate what Nathan said on Atikur's report on you, to please try and stay away from each other. It is really not that hard and I can't see an outcome where you guys continue to interact negatively and don't start accruing violations.
deletedabout 8 years
sorry Patryk.
deletedabout 8 years
too bad that's not HC and this is thecolonel.
about 8 years
Zayn, you called her a c.unt in a game we were in together the other day. Why are you being a b.itch?
about 8 years
Sorry Atikur, but your HC were severe and sent towards Zayn multiple times. Please don't do this next time.
about 8 years
u probably desserve it
deletedabout 8 years
I never said f*ggot is not HC. Screenshot me saying it and I delete my account.
about 8 years
in the game i reported him for, he referenced a thread saying c*nt and f*ggot were not HC. also, i only said it once rather than him calling me names several times~!!