
Report #185,983

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closeddeletedabout 8 years

Please remove this trash from Sandbox; says black people enslaved themselves, r*ped each other, and that hitler was trying to save the Jewish people
about 8 years
Oops didn't see Cody's comment before I started writing the post and I was clarifying, thanks Cody
deletedabout 8 years
two wrongs don't make a right as they say. no one was downplaying anything
about 8 years
I didnt mean it like that Golbolco.......................

Ya I took 2 classes on Alexander the Great too I know slavey wasn't ONLY invented by the British their kind of mass slave trade that the Europeans engaged in seemed new for the modern world AND the effects and loss of life because of it should not be downplayed by saying "they did it too"

I just used the wrong word
about 8 years
Please refrain from flaming each other in the comments. If you wish to continue your conversation, I ask that you move it to private messages.
deletedabout 8 years
how can you, someone who couldn't even name all the countries in europe know history of the places? i'm 24 and i'm probably older than you so go play with the ball in the yard
about 8 years
I believe that what was said was said with at least some intent of deriding particular races/people groups, given the context of the conversation. The fact that what you said was true does not condone the racist views suggested by your posts.

As your posts did not contain explicit racism, I will not be giving you a violation, but I will NV this report with a note and ask that you refrain from posting content like this in the future, with the exception of citing specific historical evidence to support an argument.
deletedabout 8 years
every country enslaved and r@ped people. grow up if youre going to use accusations with no proof.
about 8 years
The Barbary thing, I learned about in a history course on Modern Africa at an actual University, and the people they kidnapped were used to hold as ransom, your article states they were POWs and it was nothing like the Atlantic slave trade

The Europeans invented slavery and used West Africans as a medium to gain access to greater numbers of slaves. We weren't talking about slavery in Africa we were talking about it in reference to colonization (mainly by the British) and the British destroying Africa. Someone who was enslaved by the British did not make that choice to become a slave and that was how you stated your argument.

It just seems like all of your arguments you do whatever you can to make Polish, Jewish people, and black people look like the villains of history which is wrong and I think it comes from a frankly racist viewpoint you have, but then when you get called out for it, it's a joke? And yeah, my maternal fam emigrated from Poland in the early 1930s.
about 8 years

saving some time because copy pasting from that report box is annoying
deletedabout 8 years
"West Africans from the central and western parts of the continent who had been sold by other western Africans to western European slave traders"
deletedabout 8 years
"The Barbary pirates of the 16th to 19th centuries used galley slaves, often captured Europeans from Italy or Spain. The Ottoman Sultan in Istanbul used galley slaves also."
deletedabout 8 years
I believe Jews were killed and they were killed under Hitler's discretion but I was making a joke and I'm sorry if you're offended but the concentration camps were in Poland.
deletedabout 8 years
Don't be ignorant of history. North Africans raided European coastlines, enslaved men to be galley slaves and women to be s£x slaves. Here is a quote from George Patton, "Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. It's said that for the first week after they took Berlin all women who ran were shot and those who did not were . I could have taken it instead of the Soviets had I been allowed."