
Report #175,794

Report Details

closeddeletedalmost 9 years

This report had an invalid conclusion.
I mentioned, in the game, that I would report him for spam. He was flooding the chat, which was interfering with the game play. I threatened to report him soley for the spam. I never told him that this was dependent on changing his vote.

In the comments section, I asked Wild to produce a quote in which I made any such threat to influence game play. He then gave a FAKE QUOTE. It was NOT something I said. Then when pushed again he gave no quote whatsoever. Aside from being nearly slanderous, it appears this may have influenced the final decision.
I beg again, for one place where I threatened to report on the grounds of his suspicion or vote. NO such place was ever provided, therefore I am found guilty of something that nobody is able to find or identify the source of. This should invalidate the entire report.
deletedalmost 9 years
You know what this is just a warning, so I don't really care, but I still find this ridiculous.