
Report #172,560

Report Details

closedalmost 9 years
Used personal lobbies, and b in order to make #1 on the Highest total score! If we allow this to happen, the integrity of the site has been lost. I am asking for an account deletion for anyone who does this, and also for the trophies to be handled differently. Having our own lobbies is fine, but they cannot be in antiquity, viewed as having any worth, in the main stream scoring of legit games, when they can so easily be cheated.
almost 9 years
"Ranked games in custom lobbies are exempt from these rules at the discretion of the lobby owner." - As long as i don't cheat in main lobby everything seems to be fine. And as long as rules don't change your report will be invalid. Apply to lucid if you are really concerned about this issue.
almost 9 years
Whichever mod closed this because "we cannot delete accounts" is a smartass btw, writing that was completely unnessesary, come up with a solution or disagree with mafiagod heck even do nothing, don't write useless crap about how you don't have the powers to delete accounts.
almost 9 years
Unfortunately what cahangir did is perfectly allowed in the current ruleset. The rules set out for the site only apply to main lobby unfortunately. MafiaGod has a right to be upset though, custom lobbies should not count towards points or fame lists. I think custom tropys are fine but should not attribute to the fame list.
almost 9 years
and training pls (:
almost 9 years
Only Main/Survivor/Competitive lobbies should show.
almost 9 years
It's not the main thing but everything has to start somewhere so why not here
almost 9 years
u think this is what ruins the integrity of the site? lol
almost 9 years
Custom lobbies are ok but they shouldn't count. That's quite simple. They are made for fun. So they're nothing to do in HoF: Points, achievements, trophies, honor roles. In HoF we should see Main/ex-Training and Competitive. Lobbies which can be modded. I explained it all in my post:
almost 9 years
btw I created this few mins ago
almost 9 years
I think deleting account is too much but fame lists should be cleared in a way, may be taking only main lobby stats or in a smarter way.
almost 9 years
Yeah, stiffy. It's trite. All of it is sheer and utter garbage.
almost 9 years
So his trophies are from a personal lobby? You shouldn't even be able to get trophies in a personal lobby :s
almost 9 years
Seriously, until this is dealt with. I quit. Here is what I am accusing him of.

Using outside methods to communicate with another player in the same game, using multiple accounts in the same game, taking screenshots of your game and showing them to other players to prove your alignment, or repeatedly playing with the intent for another person to win regardless of your own win condition. Pretending to cheat as a reaction test is also considered cheating.
Expires in 12 months

24 hour suspension
Lobby Ban"

He has cheated at least 430 times in his own lobbies.
almost 9 years
Everyone who actually thinks trophies should actually mean something should upvote this. There should be a seperation of scores, one showing Personal Score and a second showing Competitive Score, and the same for the trophies. If you're going to spam personal lobby trophies, they should NOT be acknowledged on the Fame page. It should be reserved for those in the Competitive lobby.

tl;dr Personal lobby scores and trophies are bulIshit.
almost 9 years
Delete the cheater.
almost 9 years
I am also asking for my trophies to be deleted. The only reason why I even have my trophies is because I had to close out the rounds in order to open the rounds up for new people to join, for other events I wanted to host. The lobbies need to be re-coded so that new players can join the round if the lobby holder permits it.
almost 9 years
I am asking for moderators, admins, or lucid/Phil to delete any accounts that blatantly do this.