
Report #128,276

Report Details

closedover 9 years
In reference to: pranay7744 vs vildenlol - GTing

Pranay7744 was fully aware my opener was a parody slip of Flea's maf slip from the game prior ( see ) because 1) I delayed the line by 5-6 seconds, 2) he was present to see this hence his quick reaction to it, and 3) pranay admitted, or strongly hints, to using OGI ( ) to justify the lynch 'cause he believed the game would ultimately be refunded.

Here's a recent apeescraper vs tearoll - OGI report which sets a strong precedent:

Honestly I think pranay’s use of OGI is more apparent than the above. If this game conveys anything about pranay's character, it would be cowardice. Rather than attempt to win the game, which he is perfectly capable of doing, he became apathetic with anticipation of a refunded heart.
over 9 years
if you fake that slip again and i know you are town, i will lynch you again. that is how trolls like you should be treated. i am not mad that i lynched you though. anyone who fakes a slip is mafia for me. and he will be lynched at some point if not on day1. and i never used ogi. everybody voted you. not just me. i was not even the first person to vote on you or lead on you. i dont understand why you are targeting me.
over 9 years
no i was not, i was in two minds that he may have actually slipped and the other thing that came to my mind was that he was that why would town fake a slip. what motivation does town have to fake a slip other than to get lynched. i tried to make giga change but then i thought it was best to lynch someone who slipped / fake slipped. and i did not lynch him for refund. i am not even asking refund for his action as town had ml and his action did not put us into autoloss. i asked refund for what the mafia did. the mafia faked afk. and i did not threaten to report anybody. i
over 9 years
lol -- so just to be clear, this is a report for his use of OGI.