
Report #128,264

Report Details

closedover 9 yearsfor Game 3833279
GAMETHROWING- HE FAKED SLIP ON DAY1 AS TOWN. that is gamethrowing by precedence. he got insta lynched for that and town lost the ml. I know you cant refund the game for this, but you can refund the game because the mafia faked afk to hammer sit which is not allowed either. please refer to some veteran mods if you are not sure about this rule.
deletedover 9 years
Yeah please refund this heart. But not today. Not until monday.
over 9 years
anything you say, can and will be used against you
over 9 years
pranay7744 - you sure you want to do this?! if you reconsider, i may let you go unharmed. ;p