


  1. Stay away from Team Rocket.

                  I know we have a grunt here but he is harmless. 
  2. Enjoy the group. Talk and have fun!

  3. Karma your other team mates!

How does everyone feel about me running family ‘contests’ for coloured text/20 tokens about once a month? What sort of contests would you like to see? I would like everyone in the group to have coloured or custom emotes or a fun death message at one point. Who has what already? What would YOU spend 20 tokens on?

almost 9 years
So just like My little pony!!
deletedalmost 9 years
I bet sun and moon will have some sort of team that wants eternal day/night.
deletedabout 9 years
deletedabout 9 years
R.I.P Pokemon Z -Never born-

You can probably already tell what pokemon will get a mega.
about 9 years
Pokemon S&M sounds great.

Especially the acronym :]
about 9 years
What is everyone's thought on the news about Sun and Moon? AND the thoughts of it being based on Hawaii this time? Personally don't think we need much for new water types. There are so many haha
about 9 years
I want to post this around town when Pokémon GO is released. http://i.imgur.com/blCB0eF.jpg
about 9 years
Well you can't punch arsenic out of you
deletedabout 9 years
I never understood why the freak fighting is noneffective against poison.
about 9 years
Team Rocket always have a shirt with a red R on it. So revealing it would reveal you are with team rocket.

I dunno... I think that has been said so often they might have a password or need to friend someone before trading pokemon.

Red and Blue won't get a remake they just got made digital :p
deletedabout 9 years
Don't get to reveal the R.
about 9 years
TBH When Pokemon Go! comes out I'm probably going to go to starbucks with my team rocket costume on but covering the R up with a jacket, and then ask to borrow their phone for something, but then secretly give all their Pokemon to me, and then go "AHAHA FOILED AGAIN, TWERP."

and then just run
deletedabout 9 years
I'm just waiting for a remake of Pokemon red, blue and/or yellow

Tho, I finding the trainer version boring... Hopefully they'll make another Ranger or something different.
about 9 years
Or Pikachu's detective? :D
Actually pretty excited about Pokémon go! I have a lot of fun with location based games in the past (though Ingress can bite my copycatting jerks) Buuuut hopefully they don't screw this up like there terrible knock off of Shadow Cities.

What do you guys want from the game yourselves?
deletedabout 9 years
So, lets talk about Pokemon Go
about 9 years
Pika pika
about 9 years
helo my pokepals
about 9 years
Also, I have colored text/name and my death message is pokemon related.
about 9 years
I am the harmless grunt :3

Pokemon are friends, not food.
about 9 years
Thank you all for joining! <3
about 9 years
Getting the ball rolling
deletedover 9 years
lol So you are gonna hate me, but I will be back i promise
over 9 years
Guys I am really sorry. I have no idea how to add XD