this is a family ok?


Mission 1: Tell the world that Pluto is a planet

Mission 2: Never join Highspace HQ

Mission 3: We need more gold ): (Though congrats Bryce on silver :p )

Mission 4: Give all new members/returnees a big warm welcome!

Mission 5: Win more trophies this May! The last few trophy games in a row we had members winning some!

RIP comoncur, Alec, Savirino98, soda17, Jaaycee, Triaft, Potatoplayer, hotjacket, Nicole, evolpz, snareroll, coreydonut, Madmike, eatemuptigs, sports123492, JacobV, bryce1997, dariukas47, ginga, cinnanie, tillie, VWXYZ

Our Family Skype group is now loud and active!!!

People who leave for Highspace HQ will not be mentioned.

Thank to krista for the Miley Cyrus avatar!

this is a family ok?

BobbySmith, CAT3101, Happy0wns

Malkon, powerofdeath, tigerawr

over 8 years
then add me
over 8 years
i see a spot is open?
over 8 years
tfw people are leaving for Highspace HQ and i still don't get an invite (':
over 8 years
First of many.
over 8 years
This family is very cute.
deletedover 8 years
someone left our family
over 8 years
Mission 6: Sniff out all the alts!
over 8 years
so silly
over 8 years
i am a human
over 8 years
Get out of here, rodent.
over 8 years
negging won't change the truth!!11
deletedover 8 years
I wasn't invited either. Don't feel bad
over 8 years
tfw i'm not invited to HighSpace HQ like half our fam (':
over 8 years
this family is pretty lame
over 8 years
just not HighSpace HQ :3
deletedover 8 years
I told 9 people that Pluto was indeed a planet. We shall get there!

Also, for Mission 6, we should create an alliance with another family :D
over 8 years
our fam has wicked gameplay
deletedover 8 years
btw we completed Mission 2!
deletedover 8 years
I finally reached 20,000!
over 8 years
Mission 5: Never join Highspace HQ.
over 8 years
Hello, I would like to recruit Kandy to Highspace HQ. this family will turn her soft, and I don't want that.
over 8 years
Misson 4: Win one of the three trophy this Friday! Good luck!

i cry everytime. 6/7 of people in our fam who played made it to f12 merge
over 8 years
comoncur 12mon 19d +2
puto is actually considered a planet btw : )
over 8 years
Yeah I got rid of comoncur so we could recruit an active player :)