this is a family ok?


Mission 1: Tell the world that Pluto is a planet

Mission 2: Never join Highspace HQ

Mission 3: We need more gold ): (Though congrats Bryce on silver :p )

Mission 4: Give all new members/returnees a big warm welcome!

Mission 5: Win more trophies this May! The last few trophy games in a row we had members winning some!

RIP comoncur, Alec, Savirino98, soda17, Jaaycee, Triaft, Potatoplayer, hotjacket, Nicole, evolpz, snareroll, coreydonut, Madmike, eatemuptigs, sports123492, JacobV, bryce1997, dariukas47, ginga, cinnanie, tillie, VWXYZ

Our Family Skype group is now loud and active!!!

People who leave for Highspace HQ will not be mentioned.

Thank to krista for the Miley Cyrus avatar!

this is a family ok?

BobbySmith, CAT3101, Happy0wns

Malkon, powerofdeath, tigerawr

almost 6 years
over 6 years
haha, the fact this is still a thing makes me smile :3
over 6 years
I love you all :)
over 7 years
go recruit some scrubs pod
over 7 years
all 6 of us left wowzers
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
7 left RIp
over 7 years
See ya in another life
deletedalmost 8 years
rip me too sorry guys :(
deletedalmost 8 years
rip sports
almost 8 years
fun family
deletedalmost 8 years
Bryce is bringing another trophy to this family! Congratulations Bryce!
almost 8 years
I am forever and always a part of this family haha
deletedalmost 8 years
Bryce bringing us another trophy!
almost 8 years
rip this fam?
almost 8 years
who are you lapalle?
deletedalmost 8 years
could i please join? :)
almost 8 years
I remember when I was in this family!!

p.s I'm pretty sure they have a strict policy of "People who leave for HighSpace HQ will not be mentioned."
almost 8 years
I remember when I was in this family!!
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
*eats rice*
almost 8 years
welcome dari to the fam!
about 8 years
Nice familia
about 8 years
This family is more then okay
about 8 years
yay omg thank u for inviting me !!!