The Academy of Swag


Get out the wayy! Pretty girl comin' thru.

Me and my crew, we swaggin in the room!

about 12 years
immm baaaaack
deletedabout 12 years
It works :P
about 12 years
It was recommended for me.
deletedabout 12 years
Lolol Brad -.- what do you look up on youtube? XD
about 12 years
This is cute
about 12 years
OMG I FEEL SOO LOVED <33333 I LUB CHU ALL!!...cept Ron. jk jk jk <33 lub chu all <33
deletedabout 12 years
Awwww you finally realize ;)
about 12 years
since i first made this fam, duh! I want to be with the people i love, not people that have an insane amount of points. xD <333
deletedabout 12 years
Since when do you not care about the fame board? XD
about 12 years
lol no one cuurr, cocky.
deletedabout 12 years
13 on the fame board :D
about 12 years
we love you too, sebs! <3
about 12 years
So college AND my sorority has been kicking my ass and not leaving me with enough time to play EM. I still love you my EM FAMILY.
about 12 years
You know what's good?...Chocolate chip PANCAKES!!! (': num num NUM. >:V
about 12 years
All za cool kids are her3z
about 12 years
lol...i know right! :P
deletedabout 12 years
This family is dead xD
about 12 years
we love you, miss.cocky ♥
deletedabout 12 years
about 12 years
idk.. u had this anime avi, and i just missed seeing my red dino :'(
about 12 years
...when was the dino ever fake? >.>
deletedabout 12 years