

This family is affiliated with Stalliongrad, and is on an equal status level with everypony there. - - - - - - - - - - - Any pony is welcome, so long as they agree to wear a pony avatar, and understand that no pony is greater or less of a pony than they are. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steam Group: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Remember: Everypony equal; Everypony loved.

about 13 years
Uh, hey. Can I join?
about 13 years
everyone in here is pretty
about 13 years
Yay, I'm at 3000+. Too bad it only took about 6 straight games of vegs and suicides and another 3 losses to get it. :(
about 13 years
Oh Herrow Errypony.
about 13 years
So on the latest episode, they missed a perfect opportunity to let Winona help herd the sheep. I am devastated. :(
over 13 years
I concur.
over 13 years
What Nad said. Forgiven needs an invite
over 13 years
why is theforgivenone not in this family
over 13 years
I am a doggy on the clouds. Where are my sky bones, hmmm??
over 13 years
i guess EM is eating comments? anyway thanks for the invite bros<33 man, i disappear for a couple weeks and SUDDENLY ENDLESS DRAMA ;_; why was there drama?? that makes inkie sad ;_; we're bronies, we're supposed to love and tolerate the shit out of one another, not fight...
over 13 years
TL;DR of what I posted earlier: TR self deleted, ponyville and flllydelphia were deleted. Stalliongrad and Cloudsdale are new pony families.
over 13 years
Anyway, I'd rather not plummet to the Earth. But thank's anyway.
over 13 years
Yeah, I still don't understand what happened to Ponyville. Isn't there anymore?
over 13 years
I've been tossed around twice...what's up with that?
over 13 years
Dang. I go away for a few days to move and drama.
over 13 years
well, a lot of people rage quit from ponyville, causing a lot of drama. In resopnse to the drama, a few of us left ponyville, peacefully, and created Stalliongrad. A lot of ponies followed(basically, all of fillydelphia), and so TR ended up self deleting... Due to that, we had to create Cloudsdale because of the volume of ponies. If you'd rather join Stalliongrad, and can find some one willing to switch with you, let dex and I know. Anypony can join either family!
over 13 years
What happened to Ponyville? Dogs don't belong in the sky.
over 13 years