The No God Squad


The No God Squad is family of atheists who play EpicMafia. We reject supernaturalism and adhere to the principles of humanism, rationality, and logic. We welcome discussion on our web-board here, and would like to note for the record that we are all terribly good-looking. --------------------------------------- HONORARY MEMBERS: Chesskid4

Members 1

over 13 years
Common, last week i was with like 80% win rate. Now i'm with like 70% :(
over 13 years
Kanashimi too, but thats obvious.
over 13 years
Doing moderately better this retry week., I want more/new setups though!

I think Myself Zapp and Atheist should all make a pact to make it to gold by the end of next round!
over 13 years
>Get 1k points >Buy gold ticket >Lose everything
over 13 years I think we can all get a few laughs out of this at others' expense. Epic mylo blitz fail is epic.
over 13 years
I hear you Chess - I was nearly to the gold lobby myself :/
over 13 years
Hahaha, I just came back to my computer and found out that we won. Nice call on Dale being scum, implo! Here's 4 NGSers, all on the same side - if we hadn't won, I'd be unhappy...
deletedover 13 years
>Get 1k points over a week after diehard playing >500 points away from silver >"Finally, I'm coming home to my friends!" >Server reset >I accomplished nothing >Cries, forever alone
over 13 years
Where's chess and why is he not here :(
over 13 years
I still need 700 points for Gold. I hope i'll be able to get there soon.
over 13 years
The EM 3.0 is a hope for us to have good games. I was able to play my setup "Everyone for themselves" and everyone understood the strategies written, and we had a great game!
over 13 years
3.0 is frigging awesome so far. Despite not being able to play in ranked, I've played a number of very good games in silver, and nobody bluicided, trolled, etc. Even better, I was able to test out a setup I'm working on, unranked, and people intelligently thought about the mechanics, offered thoughts, etc. Pretty baller! Chess, hurry up and get 5K points so you can play with us!
over 13 years
I am liking the new setup immensily. I am stuck in silver for awhile. I should be able to make it to gold quickly though.
deletedover 13 years
*headdesk* 25k points and a gold trophy and I'm stuck in bronze lobby. Short detail of adventures Game 1, DLYV: -Want to lynch hunter on ML -Don't think hit BP D1 is clear -think yakked shrink's shrunk is clear -don't want to lynch doc because he's doc -DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT A FUCKING YAK IS. I'll miss all of you.
over 13 years
YAY! 3.0 is here (sorta) though there are no games yet!
over 13 years
Hahaha, you get the win if you joint with town after your target dies? I didn't realize that... hee-larious!
over 13 years
I played one game this round (crazy taxi), was lyncher, target died n1 (poisonmilk), I claimed lyncher with dead target (which I was planning to do whether poison died or not lol) and I led a policy lynch on runban d1 (driver), I caught the other mafia singlehandedly d2 for the ten-point win. At least I now have a 100% win rate as lyncher :3.
over 13 years
I dedicate the mini-speech before I hammer in this game to Chess / Louis:
over 13 years
*appears in the family chat* *dissapears for 5 months again*
over 13 years
Please neg user opikol ( ) for massive trolling in ranked ( sigh, first ranked game I attempt to play, and this is what I get. Yet another blue claiming cop.
deletedover 13 years
>People accuse me and Fading of friend bias. Yes, because when one of you demands and still wants the other to be trophy stripped and the other encouraged someone to take your rightfully earned silver, your first instinct is to be biased towards each other.
over 13 years
Sorry Implo :/ That really sucks... I'm confused, I just looked and there's nothing to indicate that EM 3.0 was hitting now? I thought we were getting that before the next comp round in order to make the trolls and morons less likely... And Zapp, sure thing.
over 13 years
bummer about the jancode. If anyone wants to -k Zulmog, it would make me happy.... he followed me into a game, and trolled cop with guilty on me (when he was doc) because he was butthurt that I hammered wrong (on a 3 way lynch... I was a clear, there were 4 of us alive)
over 13 years
Woo, the failtown interpreted my ' at the start of the day to see if i was silenced as jan code
over 13 years
troll'd first 2 games today. le sigh.