The No God Squad


The No God Squad is family of atheists who play EpicMafia. We reject supernaturalism and adhere to the principles of humanism, rationality, and logic. We welcome discussion on our web-board here, and would like to note for the record that we are all terribly good-looking. --------------------------------------- HONORARY MEMBERS: Chesskid4

Members 1

about 14 years
No worries; I'm exceptionally busy and don't even think I've logged on in like two weeks. Perhaps at some future date I'll try to revive the fam, but I just don't have time for EM with all the real-life stuff going on in real life.
about 14 years
*sigh* This is our last breathe.
about 14 years
I almost never see anyone in this family anymore (cept kana, who was on like 5 minutes ago) and I got an invite to an almost full family that's on the leaderboard. I'm leaving, but please keep me as an honorary member >.>. sorry :(
about 14 years
@implos: why did you remove the "btw i'm staying".
about 14 years
I've been invited to some cool families too, and i still didn't left this family. I signed a compromisse of staying, and that's what i'm doing. If you feel the necessity to leave, feel free, but know now that you should have a commitment to the family you chooses. Otherwise you should just have said : "Hey guys, i'm on this family but as soon as i get an invitation for a cooler one, i'll leave, k?"
about 14 years
LOLUMAD - Love it! Implo, I see how it goes - you win yourself a trophy and all of a sudden you're too cool for your old friends. Same old story...
about 14 years
Also, I might leave the family because I got invited to like one of the top families on EM >.> no hard feelings if I leave. Keep me in the honorary list.
about 14 years
Sharon is a good player. I saw she wants to join, and I approve
about 14 years
Oh - and congrats Implo and Chess!
about 14 years
Just got back from a week-long roadtrip thinger, and am sad to see Windy and Earp are gone. But meanwhile, Sharon wants to join - anybody take issue with this? I've enjoyed playing with her, and would be happy to add her if the rest of the group would likewise be happy. (And after she publicly announces that's she's an atheist in the group :P)
about 14 years
plus on all your alts, it needs to stay comp lol
about 14 years
Silver it is.
about 14 years
So yeah, i won a trophy. It honestly could be gold, silver, or bronze at this point. No idea.
about 14 years
I went into retirement for a while. It was nice. Then I got readdicted :(
about 14 years
Playing has lost it's luster, I am going into retirement for awhile. I'll leave the family so you can replace me, I'll see you guys around if I come back.
about 14 years
i want to join :o
about 14 years
Hey, dropping in to support your atheist group. I can't imagine what it's like to live in a country where atheists feel like a minority to such an extent that they feel the need to form groups. In Denmark where I'm from atheism is the norm.
Look at that. So laid back when it comes to religion and still owning the happiness charts along with other largely athiest countries. I guess praying to god doesn't make people happy :)
Take care
about 14 years
We have like 75k points :D
deletedabout 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
As it turns out, I'm apparently trophy running.
about 14 years
Games are just getting depressing. When I actually don't die n1 Some one vegs or game throws it seems like. Judeu lost me two games in a row. I fake claimed cop to what I thought was the fake bomb. I whispered her that i was blue and what i was doing.... she goes afk all day, comes back in time to hammer on bombs cc........ next game? She fucking gets pissed at me when I was defending her, and self votes losing the god damned game! FUCK!
about 14 years
Yay, i've got the gold ticket ticket!